HTTPS internet web address

Funny, I didn’t die because of the illegal reclassification of the Internet

I didn’t die because of the illegal reclassification of the Internet by the Obama dominated FCC. They changed it from an information service (unregulated) to a telecommunications one (regulated back in 1936). Changing it back again was supposed to result in all of us DYING (emphasis mine, reformatted)! Net neutrality mania was so intense that … Read more

HTTPS internet web address

One Year After Net Neutrality Ended Avg. Internet Speeds are 35.8% FASTER!

A year ago the FCC “deregulated” the Internet. It was only “regulated” for two years (too many) but the regulators prophesied doom. Well, after a fashion, they were right. Doom has befallen their narrative. ISP’s would crank down the screws? Your connection speeds would crawl?

Nope. The Internet is faster.

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Net Neutrality – Because ‘They’ Want To Bring It Back!

When the Trump administration encouraged the FCC to pull the plug on a Government regulated internet, they did just that. They got the government out of your “digital bedroom.” The usual suspects were outraged. But you don’t want the government regulating the internet like a utility. Not under any condition. And that includes crafting new regulations to control how entities like Google or Facebook or Twitter behave in the free market.

Let the marketplace work it out because it will.

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If the Internet is a ‘Public Utility’ You Can’t Just Ban Alex Jones

I don’t pay any attention to Alex Jones. It’s not a value judgment he’s just not anywhere in my top-ten, twenty, or perhaps even 100 (500?) political talkers, writers, or thinkers for whom I make time. I am aware of him but not overly familiar.

Others think he’s the bee’s knees. I’m not here to tell you one way or another, but recent actions by social media tech giants against Mr. Jones have demonstrated another potential layer of liberal hypocrisy worthy of our exploration.

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Grok Poll Results – Net Neutrality Apocalypse?

The question was “has ending Net Neutrality Has Had A Measurable Impact?” I think the biggest take away from this GrokPoll is that no one really cared. The second takeaway was that those that did answer were unaffected by the repeal of Net Neutrality rules with some affected only by people whining about what effect it … Read more

Grok Poll: Did the Promised Post-Net-Neutrality Apocalypse Pass You By?

Vote yes noThe chicken-little left has a template. If the government isn’t doing it how do we change things so it does? If Government is “doing it” and someone undoes it, declare it the end of the world. Human Sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria.

Net Neutrality was barely old enough to know when it burped up on itself when Mr. Trump’s FCC pulled the plug. Like most things, Democrats tried to delete the history of the internet prior to 2015 or at least rewrite it. Without Net Neutrality which we’d had for but a sliver (as we know it) of the internet entire existence the sky would fall.

Did it?

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Judge Brett Kavanaugh has ruled that Net Neutrality violates the First Amendment.

The Internet http://
Image credit: cnet

Ken White at Popehat has a detailed breakdown of important decisions written by longtime circuit court judge Brett Kavanaugh. The point being, not to advocate but to explore for the purpose of summarizing where a Justice Kavanaugh is likely to come down on future First Amendment cases.

I found them all interesting but one, in particular, caught my attention and it relates to our next GrokPoll (which will be published this evening Thursday.)

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Quick Thought – No One Has Died Yet Because of This

Net Neutrality hoax

Just like a lot of things that Progressives predicted would come true with horrifying consequences (like Constitutional Carry here in NH where we were told by Progressives and the Coven of Police Chiefs not wanting to see civilians being able to exercise their full Second Amendment Rights), this hasn’t happened either.

Net Neutrality.

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Net Neutrality, Taxes, and Fireworks

Steve was at CPAC but Skip, Mike and then Max kept things rolling with a discussion on Net Neutrality, sales and income taxes, and then–why not–trying to ban fireworks.  

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