Myth Mythology abstract visions art

Wands of Myth

We grew up with many myths. We had Jason and the Argonauts, the Medusa, Atlas, Hercules, and gods like Mercury and Wotan. But, following Schliemann’s discovery of Troy, when combined with more recent excavations, it appears that much of what Homer wrote about Troy has moved from myth to history.

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Dems Run on Absurd Economic Ideas … Part 3 of 3

Leftists fall short in many areas. They are full of big, bold ideas. Ideas, most of which were on display during the last two Democratic 2020 presidential hopeful debates. It’s one thing to have an idea, but another to be able to transform it into reality. Economic reality Most of the big, bold ideas leftists … Read more

Efficacy Of High-Cap Magazine Bans

“Foolishness is rarely a matter of lack of intelligence or even lack of information.”   —John McCarthy How come the demonstrator did not have any rubber scissors? or a tongue depressor?

MYTH 3: We have a “revenue” problem

You can read Myth’s 1, 2 and 4 here should you care to; my purpose for the moment is to mug and pummel the idea that spending is not the problem and this helps illustrate that.

The revenue problem refers to the notion that revenues are too low. Typically, special attention is drawn to the tax rates paid by the “wealthy.” However, taxes are not too low. In actuality, taxes are too high. Once again, take a look at the last 20 years. In 1992, federal tax revenue totaled $1.642 trillion in 2012 dollars. In 2012, revenue skyrocketed to $2.435 trillion in 2012 dollars. While federal spending has eclipsed revenue by more than $1 trillion each of the last four years, too little revenue has not been the culprit!

Put another way, imagine that you are earning 793 billion more dollars today than you were twenty years ago and yet your lifestyle still exceeds your income by more than a trillion dollars a year.

Do you think the someone with the Name tag that reads ‘Hello My Name is: Federal Government” could use a little  intervention?

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Five myths about conservative voters – Frank Luntz

by Skip

Frank Luntz is often on Fox News – given this Republican Primary season, he was on a lot doing his focus groups during the televised debates where the members of the groups were able to interactively “spin their dials” to indicate various levels of “like / dislike” with what the candidates were saying – it was interesting to see the differences of what “turned the switch on” between Republicans and Democrats.

Well, he has a quick read article in the Washington Post on what Democrats might believe about Conservatives – and would be wrong according to this pollster:

Five myths about conservative voters

1. Conservatives care most about the size of government.
2. Conservatives want to deport all illegal immigrants.
3. They worship Wall Street.
4. Conservatives want to slash Social Security and Medicare.
5. Conservatives don’t care about inequality.

Go read his explanations on each of those myths.  My take?

Government today is expected to do way to much – and in most of what it tries to do, it fails the “excellence” test.  My belief is that a limited government, much decreased in size (especially at the Federal level), would have a better, a far better, chance of being best in breed if the number of services were limited.  Take those services that Society would have a hard time in doing (national defense is the best example of such a good public good) and have Government do them – but have the accountability to ensure they work and work well.   If you disagree, reread this.

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