A New Kind Of Vicious

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”   —Sir Edmund Burke

D'Marquis Elkins - Brunswick Georgia Baby Killer
D’Marquis Elkins – Brunswick Georgia Baby Killer

This is 17-year old D’Marquis Elkins of Brunswick, Georgia. Elkins is a criminal…a young criminal…not even eighteen years old yet. In early March Elkins needed some cash so he decided to do what his skill set allows…a Robbery.

Sherry West was pushing her stroller along when she was confronted by Elkins and 15-year-old Dominique Lang. Elkins demanded money. West told him, she didn’t have any money. He fired a shot, grazing her ear. Repeating his demands, West again pleaded with him that she didn’t have any money.

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Quote of the Day

“Ben Carson or Kermit Gosnell – guess which doctor the media consider ‘controversial’” – David Burge  

Thanks for clearing that up

[Kermit Gosnell’s] “….method of ridding women of their unwanted late-term pregnancies was to induce labor and deliver the child….It was complete birth, followed by murder.” H/T Ann Althouse

Liberal Policies and Culture Increased Newtown Death Toll

by Don

What horrible events occurred today! The parents and Newtown Connecticut community must be wondering if they can endure the pain. Obviously our hearts go out to the families and community.

Already leftists are crying for more gun control. A rational person would look at the number of murders in Washington, DC or New York City or Chicago with their strict anti-gun laws and wonder why anyone thinks more gun control would have helped. It is amazing that almost all mass murders happen in “gun free zones”. Apparently murders don’t care about breaking into the gun free zones, who could have imagined that?

There are two nearly universal laws regarding guns. First, when danger strikes and seconds count, the police are minutes away. Second, criminals will always be able to get guns. The only real question is whether innocent people might be armed and able to defend themselves? Studies show that when the answer is no, there will be more crime and more deaths, and when the answer is yes, there is less crime and fewer deaths.

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