parents kids kitchen Photo by August de Richelieu httpswww.pexels.comphotofamily-making-breakfast-in-the-kitchen

Empowering Parents in Education: A Crucial Step Forward

As a concerned mother, engaged community member, and the Moms for Liberty Hillsborough Co. chairman, I recently testified in favor of a critical piece of legislation that seeks to establish a Parents’ Bill of Rights in Education. My experience navigating the educational system and advocating for my children has made it evident that parental involvement … Read more

Moms for Liberty Hillsborough County Condemns Kearsarge School District

Moms for Liberty Hillsborough County Chapter Stands in Support of Female Athletes and Condemns Kearsarge School District’s Violation of the “Fairness in Women’s Sports Act” HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, NH – Moms for Liberty Hillsborough County is deeply concerned and disappointed by the Kearsarge School District’s recent decision to allow a biological male athlete to compete in … Read more

Kearsage school district trans flag

Whose Sport IS This???

Allowing biological boys to play on girls’ teams is literally ending girls’ sports for some. It’s canceling games and driving biological girls away. This reality is unlikely the desired result, but predictable to many. In New Hampshire, trans-identifying player Maelle Jacques is defying state law (HB1205) and is playing against girls with the Kearsarge, NH “girls” … Read more

Your Kids And Moms for Liberty vs Moms For Pornography

Moms for Liberty has come under fire from the radicals on the left of the political fence. Parents began showing up at school board meetings a few years ago when they realized that their public schools were going to push kids to hate each other based on the color of their skin.

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Unhinged Democrats

Another Dem Rep Hates on Moms Who Get Involved in Their Kids’ Lives and Education

Remember the PTA. Parent-Teacher Associations. They still have something similar in some parts of the country, and there is a lot of lip service to parental involvement but only on Them/They Terms.

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Moms for Liberty

Moms For Liberty Compared to Nazi and KKK

The Southern Poverty Law Center has released its latest list of hate and extremist groups in the United States. The usual listing includes the KKK, Neo-Nazis, The Proud Boys, and a new, surprise addition this year, Moms for Liberty.

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Another “Association” Working Against Accountability in the Public Schools

Carl Ladd, a paid lobbyist for the New Hampshire School Administrators Association, is fighting against accountability in the local public schools.

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money cash hundred dollar bills original Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

$500 Reward For Catching a Public School Staff Member Breaking This Law

Moms for Liberty just issued a $500 reward for anyone who catches a school staff member violating the anti-discrimination law in New Hampshire. Parents are fed up with the political indoctrination and bias that has been forced upon their kids for years.

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