
#Woke College President “Trips” Over Mohammed, #Woke Faculty Ask Her to Resign

Being a #woke president of a #woke college should be easier than this but then, not so much. The identity politics totem can turn on you at any moment, which seems to be what happened to Hamline University college President Dr. Fayneese Miller.

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The US Sun Afghani woman shot on soccer field by Taliban


It’s estimated “only low hundreds” of Americans were left behind in Afghanistan, and “maybe they chose to stay”? And maybe we should believe Biden is a master strategist and political savant and only acts like a befuddled idiot to fool our unfriendly opponents?

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A Conversation with Allah

It is axiomatic that to be a Muslim you must: believe in Allah by taking him as your one and only lord, accept Muhammad as Allah’s beloved messenger and take the Quran as a literal work of Allah and a perfect prescription for living.

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Understanding Muslim Use of Common Words and Phrases

The Prophet Mohammed Endorsed Child Marriages and Islamic Scholars do not Refute This.

The people throughout the world must realize that the Islamic Prophet Mohammed endorsed child marriages and Islamic scholars do not refute this.

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