Michael Avenatti, lawyer for adult film actress Stephanie Clifford, also known as Stormy Daniels, speaks to media outside federal court in Manhattan

Trump-Hating Media Whore Michael Avenatti Convicted of Extortion – Could get 42-Years in Prison

Michael Avenatti rose to fame thanks to cable news. Because he was suing President Trump. His client was porn Star Stormy Daniels. The Legacy Media lionized him, gave him (and her) airtime. But then the relationship went cold because Avenatti was far worse than the accusations he laid on Trump.

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Michael Avenatti, lawyer for adult film actress Stephanie Clifford, also known as Stormy Daniels, speaks to media outside federal court in Manhattan

Michael Avenatti Update: 36 Charges Including Embezzlement, fraud, cheating on taxes

Micahel Avenattie ended up on our radar when he brought a frivolous defamation suit against President Trump which he later lost, including the cost of legal fees. But he was a darling on CNN, attention which we warned might not be good for him.

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Stormy Daniels Ordered to Pay Donald Trump $293,052.03 in Legal Fees

We’ve been reporting on this (likely) outcome since May, so there is some obligation on our part to report the results. The court that threw out Stormy Daniels frivolous defamation case against the President and has ordered her to pay Mr. Trump over 294,000.00 dollars for his trouble.

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Michael Avenatti, lawyer for adult film actress Stephanie Clifford, also known as Stormy Daniels, speaks to media outside federal court in Manhattan

No Surprise Here – Michael Avenatti is Also a Deadbeat Dad

Media whore Michael Avenatti rode Trump Derangement System into the spotlight. He convinced a client to pursue a case they couldn’t win and turned it into 147 cable news appearances over five weeks. A big bright light that exposed more skeletons than even I could have imagined. He has since been investigated for tax evasion and … Read more

Breaking: Michael Avenatti (Stormy Daniels Lawyer) Arrested for Domestic Violence

Michael Avenatti‘s love affair with cameras and microphones has taken a turn in a direction he may not have anticipated. The Los Angeles Police Department just arrested him on suspicion of domestic violence.

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Illegal alien caravan

Caravan “Migrants” Sue Trump for Violating Constitutional Rights Before They Get Here

Is Michael Avenatti, by chance, their lawyer? At its heart, [Mr. Trump’s] campaign message on the caravan is its arrogance in dictating immigration policy to the US. What could be more arrogant than suing the US to demand entry and better housing before they even arrive? We have foreigners claiming the constitutional rights of actual … Read more

Stormy Daniels Lawyer (Michael Avenatti) IS an Idiot

Back in May of this year, I reported on some expert opinions regarding Media Whore Michael Avenatti:

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Stormy Daniels Lawyer is an Idiot

Ken White and Marc Randazza from Pope Hat have some thoughts about Stepanie Clifford’s defamation suit against Mr. Trump. White and Randazza are mightily versed in Free Speech law, and it is their shared opinion, more or less, that her lawyer is a dope.

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