Get Involved PAC Fundraising Tailgate

Get Involved PAC Fundraising Tailgate Draws Huge Crowd

Over 300 attendees, including most major candidates for office in New Hampshire, attended the first major post-COVID GOP fundraising event this month, which happened to coincide with D-Day’s 75th-anniversary. Jess and Naomi Edwards, of Auburn, host an annual “tailgate” fundraising event for the Get Involved PAC in their backyard. All Republican candidates and activists are … Read more

Manchester NH City Hall

Breaking: Mayor Craig’s Administration Loses in Court

Breaking news in Manchester that will surely interrupt tomorrow’s Municipal Elections and cause some confusion. Judge David Anderson of Hillsborough Superior Court handed down his decision this morning regarding Mark Warden v. Matthew Normand in his official capacity as City Clerk and City of Manchester. The City lost. The decision grants injunctive relief for the … Read more


Our Turn: “New Hampshire House will Not be a Soft Target”

by Jess Edwards Editorial Note: Kimberly Morin, writing earlier today, quoted an Op-Ed written by Republican Reps in the Concord Monitor Because the Concord Monitor has a “freemium” paywall (you get to see a limited number of articles per month and then you have to pay up!), we are presenting the Op-Ed in full for … Read more

GT Flashback February 8th, 2014

It’s a GrokTALK! Flashback from February, 8th 2014 with (then) Free State President Carla Gericke, Ian Underwood, Mark Warden, and Kevin Bloom. We discuss why it is a waste of time to ban cell phones, the NH Republican Senate’s Great Compromise, free speech, civil asset forfeiture, the Free State Project, Liberty Forum, and more.

Rep. Cynthia Chase, please call your therapist.

You’ll need it when you see this great article in Forbes magazine about Freestater real estate agent and NH State Rep. Mark Warden. Heh!   :——)   <—Republican elephant smiley face with a long trunk.

Whatsa matta John DiStaso, don’t like the ‘Grok much?

“As New Hampshirite Steve MacDonald notes, “this sounds like tyranny.”

Given that Rush Limbaugh brought up NH Democrat House Rep Cynthia Chase’s name (AND STEVE MAC DONALDS!!) this past Friday, it was expected that the local NH media would be FORCED to also give a few column inches as well.  And DiStaso of the UL does so (reformatted and emphasis mine) – reluctantly.  But guess who he left out?

FRIDAY, JAN. 4: GOING VIRAL. A Democratic state lawmaker’s recent web post critical of the libertarian-leaning Free State Project has gone virtually viral in the past few days and, as one might expect, has drawn criticism.  Reacting to reports that the Free State Project is aggressively trying to bring 20,000 supporters to live in the state over the next two years, Rep. Cynthia Chase, D-Keene, wrote on  “In the opinion of this Democrat, Free Staters are the single biggest threat the state is facing today.”

She went on to write that while there is “legally, nothing we can do to prevent them from moving here to take over the state, which is their openly stated goal,” she proposed making “the environment here so unwelcoming that some will choose not to come, and some may actually leave.”

Chase continued, “One way is to pass measures that will restrict the ‘freedoms’ that they think they will find here. Another is to shine the bright light of publicity on who they are and why they are coming.”

…The post this week was picked up by the website, the creation of the late conservative commentator Andrew Breitbart, with columnist Warner Todd Huston opining:

Warner – a long time Samsphere blogger buddy of mine – got the story from GraniteGrok which he reads often as we are the leading Conservative / Libertarian leaning blogsite in NH.  He and I think a lot of like, and he likes what we do, commenting on local politics.  Anyway, see these next lines from DiStaso’s post quoting Warner’s?

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Stupidity, Civility, And The Continued Assault on Free Staters

This was originally part of my previous post on pull quotes I found amusing but turned into something else that would have distracted from the previous post being purposefully short and the other quotes getting a shot a some discussion.

In the Union Leader article,  “Free State Movement Not Embraced by All Granite Stater’s” once you get past the “No Sh**” moment presented by the title of the article,  or the fact that this is written like some kind of hit-piece on Republican Mark Warden, and the Second amendment, and Liberty, we can focus on a quote from Democrat Aaron Gill, who having lost to “Free Stater” Mark Warden in an election where state Democrats were winning seats as if Obama could just give them away…

“I’m gay, and I didn’t want the government telling me I couldn’t get married,” Gill said. “But after a while I learned that the world doesn’t function that way. I guess I was really a Democrat all along but just didn’t realize it.”

There are Free Stater’s who are Democrats, or didn’t you know that?

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View this from the phrase: “The Bigger the Government, the smaller the citizen”; Democrats gunning for a Limited Government Warrior

It looks that ‘Grok friend, Mark Warden, has been put under the gun sights of the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee (from Blue Hampshire, emphasis mine), an out of state Democrat organization whose only purpose is to get BIG Govt Democrats elected to State Houses (gee, and I keep hearing that Democrats are forever railing against “outside money” – until it suits their purpose like all the gay money that came in to first get civil unions passed in NH and then had that replaced by gay marriage) :

New Hampshire House District 39 (Hillsborough)
Aaron Gill
(Grassroots pick)
Status: Republican Incumbent

Why this Race Matters: Unlike the New Hampshire House’s many multi-member House races, Hillsborough District 39 is a one-on-one matchup featuring Democratic community banker and Deering Conservation Commission officer Aaron Gill, who faces an incumbent Republican who moved to the state as part of the so-called Free State Project, which encourages Libertarians to move to New Hampshire in order to remake that state’s government in the image of Libertarian Party ideology. (The project targets New Hampshire, specifically, because of its relatively small electorate.) The outcome of this race could show whether conservative-leaning districts like this one are “in play” for New Hampshire Democrats, as well as whether the Free State Project’s unique brand of conservatism has staying power among normal New Hampshire voters.

Well, well, well .  For all of the fulminations by the Democrats the last few years, railing against “the banksters” (remember, the Dems were all in for Occupy Wall Street bashing the banking 1% and have always blamed the banks for causing the financial crisis).

So, the DLCC (as well as the NH Dem Party) is setting this up as a Progressive / BIG Government candidate vs a Limited Govt / BIGGER Citizen legislator.  We continue to see the redefinition of the Proper Role of Government:

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HB1279 – “AN ACT relative to voting rights of certain budget committee members”

From the text of the bill (actually, this is pretty much most of it):  1 Budget Committee Membership. Amend RSA 32:15, I(b) to read as follows:

(b) One member of the governing body of the municipality and, if the municipality is a town, one member of the school board of each school district wholly within the town and one [member] commissioner of each village district wholly within the town, all of whom shall be appointed by their respective boards to serve for a term of one year and until their successors are qualified. Each such member shall serve as a non-voting member and may be represented by an alternate member designated by the respective board, who shall, when sitting, have the same authority as the regular member.

While I was in Concord this week, I ran into ‘Grok, friend NH State Rep. Mark Warden, who is one of the sponsors of the bill and asked him “why the changes for SB2 Budget Committee?” since I have been an elected BudComm member in my hamlet for the past 6 years.  Note: never again will I do an interview in a stairwell – apologies for the poor audio – but that was the only place we could find with decent lighting and a lack of foot traffic):

I also had the chance last night to quickly interview fellow BudComm member, Kevin Leandro, as he had given testimony to Mark Warden’s House Committee:

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