Ask Maggie Hassan: What Pledge Did You Take?

Did Maggie Hassan Take the Pledge?Maggie “Louisville Slugger” Hassan says she took The Pledge.  What she means (at least for us to believe) is that she took the anti-tax pledge.  The one where Democrats lie to voters about promising to veto any sales or income tax that reaches them.  Lie or not I’m having a hard time figuring out exactly what she means.

CNHT, New Hampshire’s traditional keeper of ‘The No Tax Pledge’ has no record of Hassan submitting a signed Pledge to veto a broad based tax.

American’s for Tax Reform, similarly aligned with CNHT, also does not list Maggie Hassan as someone who has taken the no tax pledge.

So what pledge did Maggie Hassan take?

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If You Are Paying Attention New Hampshire You Know Exactly What This Means…

RGA Releases Ad – Maggie Hassan is a Tax And Spend Democrat [Updated – Politco reports]

The Republican Governors Association (RGA) is not wasting any time. They ave released a new ad on the web site called ‘Deja Vu.’ And it gets to the heart of the matter.  Maggie ‘But Gurl’ Hassan is a NH Democrat, a tax and spender. She always has been. And her taking the tax pledge is no barrier to that.

Here’s the ad

[Update on the jump] Hint politico Headline “RGA Attacks Hassan in New Hampshire

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Educating With Hassan

Hassan will stand up for unions not education

Maggie “Louisville Slugger” Hassan has a banner ad running over at the Concord Monitor with the pull quote…’I’ll Stand up to anyone who wants to cut Education.’ 

This is a dirty lie.

Any effort to expand education outside that narrow corridor of Democrat political influence will be blocked.  Any existing programs that support education without government directed taxpayer dollars should expect to be cut given the chance.

But Maggie Hassan will stand up…to anyone who tries to educate their kids without public schools staffed by members of the Teachers unions (or outside of pricey private schools for the “fiscally gifted,” that are beyond the reach of all but the very wealthy).  Hassan will stand up to defend statist, top-down, government managed, public education.  She’ll stand up to spend more of your taxpayer dollars on the inefficient state university system.  And like most Democrats she will do anything and everything in her power to protect that government monopoly by cutting into or cutting off any competition.

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Question of the day…

Let me just get this out of the way?  “Question of the Day…” will not be a daily feature unless someone else on the Grok payroll (which is a lofty sum of $0.00 dollars) bails me out…almost every day.  My follow through is simply not that reliable.  But I liked the sound of it so … Read more

Swing Away Maggie. Swing Away!

One can only imagine the media firestorm that would erupt from Democrat Party Chairman Ray Buckley and his troglodytes if Maggie “Louisville Slugger” Hassan was a Republican. John DiStaso-Granite Status (When) asked by an audience member: “How can you beat a Republican opponent in this state this year?” And just as she begins to answer, … Read more

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