RGA Releases Ad – Maggie Hassan is a Tax And Spend Democrat [Updated – Politco reports]

The Republican Governors Association (RGA) is not wasting any time. They ave released a new ad on the web site http://hassantaxhikes.com/ called ‘Deja Vu.’ And it gets to the heart of the matter.  Maggie ‘But Gurl’ Hassan is a NH Democrat, a tax and spender. She always has been. And her taking the tax pledge is no barrier to that.

Here’s the ad

[Update on the jump] Hint politico Headline “RGA Attacks Hassan in New Hampshire

That’s right campers.  The RGA creates and Ad that lists things Maggie Hassan stood for proudly as a state Senator….and it’s an attack when you bring it up in her race for Governor.  (John Burt just warned me about this.)

The article under the headline is much more matter of fact reporting, and it is really just a blurb, but if you use the word attack you are inferring a negative connotation.   The fact is that Maggie Hassan was proud of all those taxes and all that spending while she was doing it.   She likes to spend our money, she likes the contrast budget crisis, and she loves growing government which means more taxes.

Hassan is Taxes.

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