Night Cap: The Power of Love

Oh, Love! The eternal rhythm, a symphony echoing through existence’s core! Is love a mere sentiment? Far from it, it’s the relentless beat in the human heart. Love, a master weaver, stitches reality’s fabric with intricate artistry, painting the world with hues of compassion, understanding, and boundless connection.

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Quaran Muslims Islam

Good Hate, Bad Love

“Love” is thought of as a virtue, while “hate” is considered a vice. But not all forms of love are good, and not all hates are bad. If you love to set buildings on fire, molest children, or steal, these are obviously bad loves. If you hate racism, sexism, or injustices of all sorts, then these are good hates.

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RNC 2012 Notable Quotables…

Here are some notable quotes from the 2012 RNC.  I’m sure I missed some…

“… Biden is the intellect of the Democratic Party” — Clint Eastwood

“My dad was a bartender….You see, he stood behind the bar all those years so that one day I could stand  behind a podium…” – Sen. Marco Rubio

“…instead of moving oceans and healing planets, let’s get our bills in order and pay down the debt so we control our own future.” — 2008 Obama campaign co-chair Artur Davis

“College graduates should not have to live out their 20s in their childhood bedrooms, staring up at fading Obama posters and wondering when they can move out and get going with life.” — VP Nominee Paul Ryan

“You see, Mr.President, real leaders do not follow polls.  Real leaders change polls.” — Gov. Chris Christie

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