
A Sneak Peek At What Marcy Kelley May Have Invited Upon Bow Taxpayers

The Bow-Dunbarton School district has a liberal privilege problem. For the unfamiliar, Liberal Privilege is a lot like radical Islam. If you are advancing the global Ummah, no traditional rules or restrictions apply. You can be a sacrilegious ass and still be rewarded with eternal life, 72 virgins, and all that. Here are a few … Read more

Black Lives MAGA

Remember #BlackLivesMAGA?

We reported on the other BLM in 2020. A group called Black Lives MAGA (#BlackLivesMAGA). “Amidst the scorn, and despite being called c**ns and Uncle Tom’s, a few of us black Trump supporters took to the front to head a collective march thru the streets of Los Angeles, as we all showed support for America, Trump, and our police.”

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BLM protester punhces black trump supporter

A Snapshot of Your Benevolent Overlords – “Peaceful” BLM Protester Punches Black Man who Disagrees With Him

This is a charming little vignette. A black man (Trump supporter, according to the report) is confronted by a BLM protester (in what is now called BLM plaza). The black man drifts back toward some officers. The “Peaceful BLM protester™” then punches the black man in front of DC Police.

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Professor: Liberal Privileged Ivy League Dartmouth Needs White Privilege Courses

For some strange reason, a professor at Dartmouth believes the School must mandate White Privilege Classes. As if the people going to a school like Dartmouth College wouldn’t know they are privileged. Isn’t that point of attending an Ivy League school? 

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Rosanna Arquette

Rosanna Arquette is Disgusted that She’s White – Okay, So, Insist You are a Young Black Man

Now more than ever, you can be anything you want to be “when you grow up.” Even if you are a white chick like Rosanna Arquette, who is disgusted to be white.

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Mary Ellen Sikes NH Sticker on Moms demand shirt

Another Meddling Out-of-State Anti-Gun Leftist from Massachusetts Gets Schooled

Mary Ellen Sikes is the Secretary for the Weston Massachusetts Democrat town committee. And as you can see from her picture, this Bay Stater is also an anti-gun activist in New Hampshire.

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Liberalism is a mental-disease

Liberal White Guilt Has a Hashtag #MyWhitePrivilege

I think the reason Liberals want a seven-day waiting period for handguns to give Democrats time to reconsider killing themselves. As in, if we make them wait, they might recover and come to whatever passes for their senses.

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CNN Analyst Accuses a Black Conservative of Having White Privilege

It’s amusing when the media-experts blow a rhetorical “tire” at 90-miles an hour. Just picture it – two commentators, one with CNN the other affiliated with Fox News. They are having a radio conversation. What qualifies people for certain jobs. What follows is media gold.

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Speech Police

The Culture That Hates Speech

University speech guides, free speech zones, microaggressions, and the entire campus thought-police culture is programming future generations to accept that those in “authority” cannot only define where and when ‘speech’ may occur but who may participate and what words they can use.

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