baby feet

NH Democrat Senators: Let Babies Die

The New Hampshire Democrats love to claim that pro-life advocates don’t care about babies after birth. The NH Democrats also claim that health care is a human right and everyone should have health care regardless of their ability to pay.

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Supreme Court

SCOTUS, 5-4: Abortion Providers Win, Women’s Health Loses

Cross-posted from Leaven for the Loaf: The U.S. Supreme Court today struck down a Louisiana law requiring an abortion provider to have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles of the abortion facility. The case was June Medical Services v. Russo. The vote was 5-4, with Justice Stephen Breyer writing for a majority that included … Read more

unborn baby in womb

Take Action to Protect Human Life

Please take action to protect human life in New Hampshire by contacting your legislators about the following legislative items. Contact your Representatives CACR 14, Abortion in the New Hampshire Constitution The full House is meeting this week, and is expected to vote on putting abortion into the New Hampshire Constitution. Contact your representatives and ask … Read more

Speech free speech diversity

State Budget and Abortion Funding: Speak Up

The New Hampshire House will meet later this week, September 18 and 19, with the Senate meeting on the 19th. On the agenda: votes to sustain or override each of the Governor’s 50+ vetoes, including the budget veto. At stake is the use of state general funds, i.e. taxpayer dollars, for direct and indirect funding … Read more

free speech - speech suppression

Are New Hampshire Democrats Planning to License Speech?

New Hampshire has a buffer zone law. It allows abortion clinic managers to prohibit access to public spaces around their facility. To violate free speech rights. It exists in direct violation of a Supreme Court ruling that threw out a similar law in Massachusetts. And Last week NH House Democrats rejected legislation to repeal the … Read more

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