The PERP Act, sorry, I mean PREP, established immunity for the Public Health Industrial Complex from responsibility for treating COVID-19—a sort of secular ‘papal’ dispensation for sins to be committed. A man suing in Michigan has been granted an exception.
Maui “Wildfire” Likely Caused by Hawaii Electric/Downed Powerlines
I’m not sure this qualifies as man-made in the religious sense of climate change, but men made the powerlines that some locals captured on video—sparking, popping, followed by fire, which the high winds then took for a devastating ride.
Shouldn’t Reproductive Liberty Include the Option to Reproduce?
Pregnancy care centers have filed a federal lawsuit against the state of Vermont for injunctive relief, claiming a bill signed into law discriminates against them and violates their First and Fourteenth Amendment rights. I agree, and I’ll do you one better.
Defamamed? – Pro-Life Protesters Sue Attorney General for Calling Them Terrorists.
We have a standing rule. If you find someone that accuses GraniteGrok or one of its authors of Hate or calls us a Hate site, we ask that you politely inform them that our lawyers would like the evidence, and could you forward it to us? No one ever sends us anything.
I Can’t Believe I’m About To Say This – YAY For the Lawyers!
Subtitle: SUE THEM ALL! This will kill of Wild, Wild West of Transgenderism child mutilation by the Medical Community. Next, do what you do to School Districts! Make it too toxic to their wallets and at least one social norm will be restored (“First, Do No Harm”) followed by “Leave The Little Kids Alone!”. There’s … Read more
Haverhill Selectmen Block Town’s Day In Court
Last year the Woodsville Fire District had sued the Town of Haverhill for $490K in road funds as specified in SB 75, but they never “[gave] bond to the Town,” a critical requirement to meet before any taxpayer funds were released to the District.
“No” to Settlements in Nashua RTK Cases
Court Settlements in Nashua are done in bad faith and are unreasonable. They are a ploy to ring up legal bills and produce no records. A settlement is not an admission of guilt, so settling results in no real improvement in the process. (In Nashua, winning in Court has resulted in no real improvement, either.)
What If Big Oil Cut Off Places That Sue Them for Climate Compensation?
The climateer’s nuisance lawsuits against energy companies continue as woke activists get cities or counties to claim climate damages and then sue for compensation. The cases end up in court for years, but there may be a simpler, cheaper, less carbon-intensive solution.
Dominion Voting Systems Sued Fox News and Look What the Discovery Cat Dragged In …
Dominion Voting systems have been the whipping boy (girl, non-binary-genderless-carbon-based life-foom) of the election integrity folks for years. Dominion got mad and finally sued FoxNews, and how’s that going?
The Nashua Spending Cap has its Day in Court
On December 7, 2022, Fred Teeboom, a former alderman and self-represented, took the City of Nashua to NH Superior Court for violating Nashua’s spending cap. I had the pleasure of attending part of the hearing.
WARNING: Sexually Explicit and Obscene Material Available to Children in School
A parent in Pennsylvania has finally taken her school district to court. Within this document, you will access some extremely obscene and pornographic content. Please make sure that your children do not access this court document.
Is Your Child’s Personal Data Collected By Google Classroom?
GOOGLE – has NOT protected Privacy: Parents need to evaluate what is happening in their Schools with Data collection by Ed Tech companies. More than half of K-12 grade Students use GOOGLE every day in the classroom.
How Much $$$ Are Manchester and Exeter Parents Paying For District To Defend Woke Policies?
And all of this stems from when Governor Chris Sununu sign SB263 made the Democrats political day in enshrining their latest political identity group, those suffering from gender dysphoria and social contagion (i.e., Transgenderism), as the newest “protected class” people that rate “more rights” than the typical citizen (like me and most of you). That … Read more
Teacher Who Refused to Use Preferred Pronouns Wins HUGE Settlement In Court
A Kansas middle school teacher won a massive settlement against her former employer in a case surrounding preferred pronoun use and amidst a larger cultural battle in which radical gender theory continues to creep into modern life.
So, Doug Lambert, Am I Detecting a Bit of Hypocrisy Here?
So, Doug, let’s revisit your text to me, shall we?
Breaking: While Too Late to Stop Monday’s Illegal Meeting, the Belknap County Delegation Is Being Sued
While a judge was not found/available/willing to issue a Temporary Restraint Order that a gentleman by the name of Stephen Peterson put in on August 1st, a Summons has been issued in the case. Who knows what it will force given it isn’t until September 8th. The only fact that is apparent is that a … Read more
Is Elon Musk Really Walking Away From Twitter Buyout?
Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter has turned into a celebrity relationship. It’s on then it’s off then it’s on-again, then it’s over. But is it over? The sticking point was how many actual user accounts there are (many as you know are fake) and since Twitter won’t cough that up, Musk says he’s done. Or is he?
U.S. Supreme Court Rules Against The New Hampshire School Boards Association: CALL TO ACTION
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled on Maine’s school choice program that allows cities and towns to provide tuition assistance for a child’s education. There was an attempt to deny this assistance to parents who choose a religious school for their children. That amounts to discriminatory practices.
Minneapolis Residents Who Sued City for Defunding the Police Win in State Supreme Court
In October 2020, a group of concerned residents sued the City of Minneapolis. Their gripe? They actively defunded the police department and that caused the number of officers to fall below that required by the city charter. Oh, and an exponential rise in crime.
What’s going on between His Honor and Nashua’s Corporation Counsel?
The Mayor announced at the May 16th Budget Review Committee Meeting that a Right to Know (RTK) paralegal position was added to the Administrative Services budget. In December 2020, the legal office hired an RTK Attorney to manage requests. Attorney Neumann spent eight months in Nashua; his work resulted in four costly lawsuits. Aldermen John … Read more