The Lakes Region TEA Party will meet August 21, 2019 at 7 PM at the Moultonborough Library. We will have expert advocates and opponents of legalizing marijuana for recreational use in New Hampshire (HB 481).
Lakes Region TEA Party
SCOTUS: now and in the future – a presentation
After the disgraceful sideshow of the confirmation hearings for now US Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, it is never too late to take a dive into the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) as it exists today and perhaps as it may evolve in the future, whether with upcoming case decisions and/or with possible appointments to the Court in the next two years.
Belknap County Republican Committee (3/13/13) – Tim Carter, Lakes Region TEA Party
Well, let’s see if I remember HOW to blog – it’s been a bit as I’ve been out straight since this past Sunday with events or tasks to attend to each and every night. Lots of video to put up and other stuff to catch up on, and this is one of the first ones. Wednesday was the regular monthly meeting of the Belknap County Republicans and the new NH GOP Chair Jennifer Horn was the featured speaker. While we did endorse her rival for the position, we’ve been waiting to see how she starts her term. So far, not bad – especially with this. However, that set of videos (a lively set of questions happened after her talk) will have to wait – there was another speaker that spoke before her. To set the table, from the NH GOP Platform: Oppose laws and programs contrary to our founding principles such as Sharia Law, the International Baccalaureate Program, UN Agenda 21 or other “sustainable development” programs
Since the inception of the TEA Party movement, there has been an uneasy tension between the TEA Party and the GOP as the former has seen the latter as complicit in the mess that the Country finds itself even as it sees the GOP Platform (it’s “supposed” beliefs, but more on that later) close to the TEA Party philosophy than the Dems. On the flip side, the Establishment Republicans see the TEA Partiers as a threat to their stranglehold on political power on the Right (as we watch this play out in DC right now). But there are times that things mesh – as the quote from the NH GOP Platform indicates. Tim Carter from Lakes Region TEA Party was allowed to speak to the full room quickly on the Federal Government over reach to Federalize local NH zoning codes in the form of HUD / EPA / DOT’s Sustainable Communities Initiative – otherwise known locally as Granite State Future (why can’t Progressives ever use the plain truth for their programs? Is it because they KNOW people would reject them out of hand if, you know, they actually were truthful and honest about what they were doing?):
More later on today on this topic. Intro from the meeting after the jump.
GrokTV: NHListens / Granite State Future – MicroInterview with Tim Carter
This past Thursday, the Granite State Future project (the project that the Federal Departments of HUD, EPA, and DOT are using locally to Federalize the local zoning codes here in NH via their “Sustainable Communities Initiative”). The “purpose” is ostensibly to “listen” to the public and get their input as to what the future of … Read more
Lakes Region TEA Party – tomorrow; Moultonboro Public Library at 7:00 p.m.
The next meeting of the Lakes Region Tea Party will be Wednesday, February 20 at the Moultonboro Public Library at 7:00 p.m. Main Topic: Granite State Future Facts Discover the real facts about this onerous top-down HUD Sustainable Communities Initiative that aims to give local planning control to the Federal Government. Presentation led by Tim … Read more
GrokWatch: Are the Moultonborough Library Trustees shafting the Lakes Region TEA Party?
Incoming and developing: the Moultonboro Library trustees decide they can’t stand the heat – but are throwing out the kitchen instead of themselves? From Moultonboro Speaks: Moultonboro Public Library Trustees to continue ban on political campaigning in library. At today’s Moultonboro Library Board of Trustees meeting, and without a vote or any discussion among the … Read more