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Teachers’ Unions Care About Teachers, or Do They?

Democrats are calling in the bigwigs to address their partisan positions on public education. There is a ZOOM call scheduled with the President of the American Federation of Teachers, Randi Weingarten. Much of this will be centered around legislation that expands “school choice” options in New Hampshire.

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How Deadly is Covid?

New Hampshire Democrats Repeat Beijing’s Propaganda

This: Really, Louise? The facts are: Independent Chinese media reported that in December, Wuhan labs sequenced the novel coronavirus and found it closely resembled the deadly SARS virus that killed nearly 800 people in 2002-2003. But Chinese authorities subsequently gagged the laboratories and ordered researchers to hand over or destroy the samples and not release their findings. … Read more

Ann Kuster

Democrats Lie About Reforms to Food-Stamps

This:   and this:   The reforms to Food-Stamps, however, do not affect children. From CNBC: The Trump administration changed food-stamp requirements because it wants people to find jobs, not simply remove people from the program, Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue told CNBC on Wednesday. “What we want to do is increase employment. We need these … Read more

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