Democrats are calling in the bigwigs to address their partisan positions on public education. There is a ZOOM call scheduled with the President of the American Federation of Teachers, Randi Weingarten. Much of this will be centered around legislation that expands “school choice” options in New Hampshire.
Anytime public funds are diverted to private schools, partisan activists on the left cry foul. They see this as an attack on public education, while those escaping the public schools for something better find a great deal of relief. The left has become so hostile to any child receiving a better education, they will fight and work hard to keep those children in a school that is failing them.
I’ve worked for two decades on ways that improve public education, only to be met with resistance or rejection from Democrats who say they care about public schools. Really? While families are fleeing, I don’t see them working to improve the state academic standards which are based on the failed Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards.
When schools shut down, and children were not learning and suffering emotionally, where was AFT President Randi Weingarten? Fighting to keep public schools shut down. That didn’t help public schools, it hurt everyone involved. But what most people don’t know is, Weingarten also worked to remove teachers from public education, and replace them with facilitators.
If you go to this document from Education Reimagined, and scroll down to page 10, you can see how the role of teachers will change in the future. There will no longer be a role for the teacher in the classroom. Instead they will be replaced by “facilitators.”
Who is out to making the teaching profession obsolete? Scroll to the last page of the document to see who signed it: Randi Weingarten, along with several other education reformers.
Here you can see that former Governor Cuomo teamed up with Bill Gates on Education Reimagined, and asked why school buildings even exist. Forbes followed up by saying, Gates is not the person to “reimagine education.”
So who is attacking public education? They’re not Republicans, they are left wing ideologues looking to replace teachers with AI all to profit Ed Technology. Think $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ profits to Ed technology!
So for those who sign up for this Zoom call, you might want to remind Randi and her colleagues of their role in destroying public education. The only ones benefitting from these reforms are Ed Technology Companies.