Democrats Lie About Reforms to Food-Stamps



and this:


The reforms to Food-Stamps, however, do not affect children. From CNBC:

The Trump administration changed food-stamp requirements because it wants people to find jobs, not simply remove people from the program, Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue told CNBC on Wednesday.

“What we want to do is increase employment. We need these people in the workforce,” Perdue said on “Squawk Box.”

The U.S. Department of Agriculture on Wednesday approved a rule change, first proposed in February, that limits the ability of states to grant work waivers for single, able-bodied adults enrolled in the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, commonly referred to as food stamps.

The change is expected to remove up to 755,000 people from the program. In 2018, there were 2.9 million single, able-bodied working adults who received SNAP benefits, according to the USDA. Nearly three-quarters were not employed.

Under the existing law, single, able-bodied adults cannot receive food-stamp benefits for more than three months within a three-year period, unless they work, volunteer or are in job training programs for 80 hours a month.

But following the 2008 recession and the uneven recovery that ensued, some states were granting waivers to make sure people could have access to food-stamp benefits.

So … children are NOT affected by ending the waiver. Indeed, the NHPR article Louise Spencer links to says just that! Incidentally, when not spreading lies about food-stamps, Louise is giving standing ovations for Fake Impeachment:


and fighting for Open Borders:


Also, the waiver that is being ended is over 10 years old and was justified at the time because of the so-called “Great Recession.” The economy is BOOMING. Unemployment is at a 50-year low. Able-bodied adults can and should be WORKING, not living as government dependents.

But that is not what Democrats like Annie Kuster want. They want government dependency because that is how they gain, maintain and increase their political power. Working Americans support low taxes, which means less money for Annie and her ilk to spend. Can’t have that.

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