An Update on Rep Scott Wallace

Yes, I saw the Julie Smith by-line and clicked anyway, because the headline referenced Rep. Scott Wallace, whom I voted for. And I waded through the usual ego-trip of Why I’m writing this and How I intend to structure this, to get to the beef. Only, where’s the beef? Thanks to Spike for the Op-Ed … Read more

Mike Moffett Scott Wallace Taiwan

Rep. Wallace Responds to Julie Smith “Hit Piece”

Getting “hit” by pieces like the one in The GROK on Aug 17 by Julie Smith “goes with the territory” for elected officials. There’s no way a state representative can be all things to all people at all times, but we take our roles as crafters of public policy seriously. As such, when we’re presented … Read more

Mike Moffett

Response to The Hit-Piece On Me …

Folks who know me understand that when I get poked, I often poke back. Probably a Marine thing. So, when The Grok published a sad screed by a Granite State bomb thrower, I considered whether to respond. Friends advised against it. “Just ignore it.” The thing is that the truth is important, and I don’t … Read more

An Open Letter to Councilor Wheeler

Councilor Wheeler:

I am emailing you to go on record that I want you to reject the judge appointment of Belknap County Attorney Andrew Livernois.  It is clearly another political favor of the Damn Emperor, just like many others, the most recent one being DJ Bettencourt.

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Bill Boyd Is Not “Senate-Worthy,” Don’t Even Think About It, Merrimack!

I want to get the word out in the public square right now, fresh off the heels of that horrible HB 1002 House roll call, because time has a habit of making people forget things, and candidacy filing time is not for another four months.

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Call D’Allesandro the “Granite State Manchin.”

Let me be clear that the enemy camp is still the enemy camp, just like the truth is the truth.  D’Allesandro voted for an income tax, sponsored the boat tax, is a fake marine, and is the senior swamp rat.  The word “senior” is twofold.

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Handling Trolls at the Polls

I’ve decided to put into words a “cyber journal entry,” for lack of better phrasing. This comes less than 24 hours after holding a Trump sign outside a school in the suburbs. I will first mention my gratitude in having the freedom of speech that one has when not being a candidate or paid spokesperson for a candidate.

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The Pattern of Selective Silence

So I’ve been told that nut job gun hater Rep. Meuse was the one who assaulted Rep. Jonah Wheeler for his departure from the “enemy camp plantation” by voting for a ban on gender reassignment for minors. I’m hoping security camera footage is easily available to see for myself.

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Vote, ballot, ballot box

“Resolve” To Help Improve Voter Turnout in Town Elections.

Greetings and happy new year! A suggested New Year’s resolution that doesn’t involve diet and exercise is in the title above, with emphasis on the word “town.” I say that for two reasons. One of them is that local elections are arguably just as important as their state and federal counterparts.

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Scales of justice gavel law court

Paula Johnson vs. City of Nashua (The Sequel)

Paula had her day in court this afternoon and I thought a summary of observation would be of interest. Many witnesses were in court this morning in Concord as plaintiffs against Chris Ager, which I’m sure someone else will report on as I wasn’t there.

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Vote, ballot, ballot box

Election Recount Lawsuit: Paula Johnson vs. City of Nashua

Grok readers should already be familiar with Nashua’s own private citizen, Laurie Ortolano, who has made many watchdog contributions over the years and has a court date next week, but there’s another pro se litigant, Paula Johnson, who also had a court date.

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USS Raleigh Burning NH State Flag

“What is the Executive Council?”

“What is the Executive Council?” was the title of a routine column written by the late Bernie Streeter about 30+ years ago for the 1590 Broadcaster, a now-defunct free newspaper in Nashua. Bernie Streeter was one of Dave Wheeler’s predecessors and held office in the early 90s before becoming the mayor.

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Crowd of people

A Pattern of Government Behavior in Concord and Beyond

Today I visited the Supreme Court to witness Daniel Richard’s oral arguments, which I’m sure will be reported on in great detail in other articles, but I’m going to share a different observation.

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The “Scandal” That Alderman Dowd Doesn’t Want You To Know About

At the time of the mayoral primary, I was approached by an older gentleman outside Charlotte School while I was holding a Mike Soucy sign. He approached to encourage me to stand near “the runway” because he wanted maximum visibility for the sign.

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City of Nashua seth-dewey-EOlo15oy8Ks-unsplash

Spying and How Emboldened the Ruling Class Has Become

Our future mayor, Mike Soucy, has had a few meet-and-greet events in various parts of the city. I did not attend the Castro’s Backroom one as I don’t smoke, but I was at the first one, well-attended and hosted by Family Pizza in Ward 5.

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Wheeler is STILL on Notice!

Some people might ask why I even bother with doing this, reaching out to him only to be both ignored and misrepresented(by voting the wrong way) again. It’s kind of like Robin Norwood’s book Women Who Love Too Much(when you keep wishing and hoping he’ll change).

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City of Nashua seth-dewey-EOlo15oy8Ks-unsplash

Alderman Dowd Is Out of Touch With His Constituents and the City of Nashua

While not everyone reading this lives in Nashua, and not every local votes in Ward 2 (which is at Charlotte Ave School, to those who don’t know where they vote), it’s well past time for Alderman Dowd to retire. He is just one vote out of a body of 15, but a serial “problem one” … Read more

Wheeler is On Notice (not that he wasn’t already)

You might already be familiar with my recent article, the open letter to Councilor Wheeler. Please refer to it for a list of some of his key transgressions against the will of his constituents and against NH. Today, one more thing can be added to his rap sheet.

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Is Your Lawmaker in Good Standing?

I want everyone to take a look at this email from Citizens Alliance NH, a group I am not very familiar with, but I did respond to them as a rep candidate last year.

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Is Your Lawmaker in Good Standing?

I want everyone to take a look at this email from Citizens Alliance NH, a group I am not very familiar with, but I did respond to them as a rep candidate last year.

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