ICYMI – Bi-Partisan NH House Vote Bans Transition Surgery for Minors [Update!]

You’ll likely have heard the latest shot ’round the world. But, if not, a Democrat legislator in the New Hampshire House, speaking to his fellow members, said that while he supports transgender people, he could not condone surgical intervention on children.

Rep Jonah Wheeler (D – Peterborough) passionately mirrored the thing most everyone to his right whom I know finds objectionable about the transgender agenda (more than the grooming). These are children, and this damage is permanent.


The gender-surgery zealots at Dartmouth Medical won’t be pleased.


I. Any referral for or provision of genital gender reassignment surgery to an individual under 18 years of age is unprofessional conduct and is subject to discipline by the appropriate licensing entity or disciplinary review board with competent jurisdiction in this state.

II. A minor or the parent of such minor aggrieved by a violation of this chapter may bring an action in the superior court for damages and injunctive relief against any person who has committed or attempted or threatened to commit such violation or any person who has aided or abetted the same.


The Bill, HB619-FN, passed (199-175). It moves to the State Senate, where it is in less danger than at Governor Sununu’s Desk. Sununu has advanced so-called gender-affirming legislation in the past. I’m not clear on his position regarding the surgical mutilation of children, but the bi-partisan House vote is significant. So is what happened after. Rep. Judy Aron reported (of Rep Wheeler) that,


After his visit to the well to speak in favor of this bill, he was immediately verbally attacked in the back anteroom by members of his own caucus, prompting the House Clerk, Paul Smith, to intervene. So much for the “Be Kind” and “Diversity and Inclusion” crowd.


So much for those “People Over Politics” signs we’ve seen sprout up with Democrat names on them as election day looms. Dem Reps Murphy and Rung put politics before children (as did Rep. Thomas), voting to let adults coerce children into life-altering surgical interventions. I’m not saying that Murphy, Rung, or Thomas were involved in berating Rep. Wheeler in this incident. My point is that their politics always came before and over people. This vote, their voting record, and social media antics prove that.

Perhaps by People over Politics, they mean like a pig on a spit.

HB619 also puts the brakes on chemical transition and the use of hormone blockers on children. (Correction: Puberty blockers were not banned.)

But as Rep Aron noted earlier today, that wasn’t the only good news.


The House killed HB264-FN (191-185), which would have allowed transgender people to alter historical documents – their birth records. The House also killed HB368-FN (190-185), which would have given certain privacy protections (like protecting medical records from subpoena) for transgender people seeking gender-affirming health care in NH. There were many issues surrounding the legal ramifications and possible lawsuits resulting from this type of legislation, especially if one parent objects to said care and sues the state or medical practitioners over the transgender healthcare received by their child.


I am reminded of how the transgender agenda, like the gay agenda that preceded it, claimed that it only ever wanted to be equal—the same. And a lot of people fell for that. That they would be treated like everyone else – except where everyone else treats everyone else like crap and gets on with their lives anyway; people can be mean, and we all get to see it but don’t be mean to openly LGB folks – and for clarification, I mean the activist class of this movement. Their equality was to be a step above. Not just acceptance but reverence.

You could be an ass to anyone else but them. Their equality rose to a level of inequality where – in this case, the transgender movement – they get extra special treatment, more privacy, benefit from legal protections no one else gets, and the power to define the speech and thoughts of others. Compel it.

You lost a lot of support with that line of thought, much like you will lose support if you insist on adults having the right to alter children surgically – permanent body-altering surgery before they can even begin to understand how that will impact the remainder of their lives.

Thanks to House Leadership and the slim Republican majority, as well as the 21 NH House Democrats who voted to protect children.

Three Republican members, for the record,  voted Nay. I know one of them and have asked why they opposed the bill. I will update this post when I get their response.



Belcher, Mike(R) Carr. 4 – Was a Yea on HB619 and a Nay on the amendment. That was my mistake – and I apologize for the error.
Bickford, David(R) Straf. 3
Wolf, Dan(R) Merr. 7

And thanks again to Rep. Aron for her timely (next day) NH House legislative updates (read this week’s here and here if you missed them).



  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at GraniteGrok.com. Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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