Woman Palestinian flag jihad pixaby

Israel’s Swift Response to the Hamas Attack: A Closer Look

In response to the audacious assault by Hamas, Israel acted swiftly to address the situation and protect its citizens. The immediate response included a series of airstrikes on the Gaza Strip to target Hamas militants and infrastructure while minimizing harm to Palestinian civilians. These airstrikes were a defensive measure to neutralize the threat posed by Hamas and underscored Israel’s commitment to … Read more

Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS – there IS a common factor

Let’s think about the attacks in Israel for a moment.  If we look around, we see that it isn’t just Israel that’s being attacked.  Have we forgotten about “no-go zones” in France, Germany, England, and other European cities?  Or the surge in Muslim attacks in Algeria, Mali, Tunisia, et al?  Or the longstanding hatred and internecine wars in the Middle East that do not involve Israel?

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Israel Flag

Israel Is Unique in the History of Socialism

Israel is unique in the history of socialism. It is the only nation where socialism was considered successful for a while. The original settlers of Israel came largely from Eastern Europe. They sought to create an economy in which market forces were controlled for the benefit of the whole society.

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Just a Theory…

I think Iran and Egypt are co-coordinating a response to the impending Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear capability.

The expectation is that Israel will do something before the November elections.  Egypt, which is now engaging in diplomatic exchanges with Iran, has recently moved more military hardware into the Sinai peninsula to deal with militants and security issues.  There are probably plenty of those, and by all accounts, Israel is not balking at allowing Egypt to deal with those (per long standing peace treaty agreements), but there is the matter of Egyptian tanks that were moved into the region, which Israeli officials claim they did not know about in advance.

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The Coming War…Blood for Nothing.

No, I am not talking about the presidential campaign, though that will be similar to a war.  I am referring to what Mr. Obama will do if he feels he has to to get re-elected. Hold on to your peacenik badges lefties, because that hope and change you’ve been clinging to will take another hit … Read more

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