Doug Lambert GraniteGrok photo

So, Will Gunstock Area Commissioners Doug Lambert and Jade Wood Either Cancel or Severely Compromise the Financial/Legal Audits That Are in Process?

Especially now that they were successful in forcing former GAC Chair Peter Ness to resign (he could no longer take the political bullying they were heaping on him) who started the Audit Committee because of rumors of financial malfeasance?  And that they are STILL trying to get Commissioner Dr. David Strang to resign (who headed … Read more

Tom Day Gunstock photo

Extremists? You Bet – Looks Like Gunstock SR. Mgt (And Commish Gary Kiedaisch) Had a Really Good Reason Why They All Quit en Masse Last Week!

And it wasn’t because the Gunstock Area Commissioners, their bosses, rearranged the Belknap County Complex meeting room such that the Sr. Management was put into the front row of the Public’s seating area instead of having tables of their own like the GAC. As the result of an RSA 91:A demand, I now have the same … Read more

Democrat Policy Implementation … Seattle Remember CHAZ?

Democrat Policy Implementation … Remember CHAZ?

Seattle is a Socialist hell hole. That’s the technical term for what it has become. The location is nice but that’s where the nice ends.

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William Barr - twitter image

AG William Barr Announces Investigation into FBI Abuses in Collusion Case

The FBI is being investigated of possible abuse of the FISA process in its pursuit of surveillance warrants against the Trump Campaign. AG William Barr notified Congress on Tuesday.

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