Extremists? You Bet – Looks Like Gunstock SR. Mgt (And Commish Gary Kiedaisch) Had a Really Good Reason Why They All Quit en Masse Last Week!

by Skip

And it wasn’t because the Gunstock Area Commissioners, their bosses, rearranged the Belknap County Complex meeting room such that the Sr. Management was put into the front row of the Public’s seating area instead of having tables of their own like the GAC. As the result of an RSA 91:A demand, I now have the same legal documents that they all received early that Wednesday morning before that GAC meeting’s “hissy” fit from the lawyers that are conducting both the legal and accounting investigations into the prior Commissioners and the Sr. Gunstock Management.

Remember, THIS was what the new Commissioners were appointed to do and the Extremist resigned Commissioner Kiedaisch and Sr. Management are putting up this political smokescreen to keep this from happening!  Those receiving the documents:

  • Tom Day, former Gunstock General Manager
  • Cathy White, former Gunstock Chief Financial Officer
  • Becky LaPense, former Gunstock HR Manager
  • Gary Kiedaisch, former GAC Commissioner
  • Brian Gallagher, former GAC Commissioner

I’ll put up the one that was sent to Tom Day – all the others are copies (same demand, the different names listed above):

PretiFlaherty Demand Letter to Tom Day

(click to embiggen or review the following complete PDF:

GAC PretiFalherty Demand Letter PGC to Day req docs 07 20 22

I received them all as they are now Public Documents (I have removed the personal email addresses of the Commissioners, emphasis mine):

Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2022 3:04 PM
To: Jade Wood <jwood@gunstockcommissioners.org>; Douglas Lambert <dlambert@gunstockcommissioners.org>; David Strang <dstrang@gunstockcommissioners.org>
Cc: Peter G. Callaghan <pcallaghan@preti.com>; Joe Foster <joe.foster@mclane.com>; Mike Sylvia <mike@mikesylvia.org>; Norman J Silber <njs@silbersnh.com>
Subject: Events of July 20, 2022 – Follow up

Dear commissioners:

Due to the inability to conduct a nonspecial meeting yesterday July 26, 2022, and following up on matters discussed on July 20, 2022 I would like to share the following.

Demand Letters by Legal Counsel:

Attached are five demand letters sent to three members of senior management and one Commissioner and one former Commissioner on July 20. These notices were sent on or before approximately 4 PM Eastern time on that day.   It is likely that I have not shared these with you previously given the ensuing chaos of that day.

Notwithstanding the existing tension between the commission and management prior to the July 20 meeting, I think any reasonable person reading these demand letters would see that (a) the progress of the legal investigation requested by the Delegation; (b) the progress of the audit of financial statements duly authorized by the commission; and (c) the attached demand letters were the events which led to the resignation of management and a Commissioner on July 20.

I do not believe any reasonable person reviewing the facts and circumstances could agree that the seating chart of the meeting caused these acts.

I’m sharing these letters with members of the delegation since they requested this legal work.   It does not appear these documents are subject to attorney-client privilege and thus may be disclosed under RSA 91-A.

Retaining Public Relations Counsel: 

Attached are a memorandum to you of my understanding of special powers the commission conferred on July 20, 2022.  Pursuant to that authority, and after seeking advice from legal counsel, I have memorialized an agreement with McElveen Strategies, LLC.  This agreement was reached on July 24, 2022.  A copy of that agreement is also attached.

Counsel has also advised that given the current environment, failure to engage Public Relations counsel may represent a breach of duty by a commissioner.

The nonpublic meeting scheduled for July 26, 2022 was meant to ratify the enclosed agreement.  Unfortunately, that nonpublic meeting did not occur.  Based on advise of legal counsel, McElveen Strategies has been retained.   Should you not agree with this action, please advise.


Peter G. Ness, Esq.
Chair, GAC


Note the phrase “to conduct a nonspecial meeting yesterday July 26, 2022”. Having watched part of the video (Thanks Theresa!), it clear that Jade Wood hijacked what was supposed to be a non-public meeting by publicly calling  for the mob to assemble and then shouting down Commissioner Peter Ness in trying to run the meeting. Her absolutely dismissive gesture when both Strang and Ness walked out of the meeting after demanding their resignations in a very haughty fashion, gave rise to my thought of “Stockholm Syndrome” in her case. With respect to Doug Lambert’s case, Rule 8, Rule 9, and Rule 12 of Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals have been employed (and I don’t think he’s realized it yet – he won’t return my calls). In both cases, the Citizens for Belknap, led by Brian Beihl (formerly of Open Democracy NH), and its supporters, have taken both of their fears and have used it against them in deflecting what SHOULD be their main efforts in investigating prior malfeasances.

And CoB has set up a Narrative that has, as its base, Rule 10.  They took a “Negative” (“EXTREMISTS!!!!”) and made it a “Postive” for their followers.

Hopefully, Josh McElveen (former WMUR reporter/anchor) can lend them some well needed assistance. This whole controversy has been spun up out of whole cloth (think “mean tweets”) and used effectively against both the new Commissioners and the Delegation. Time to turn the tables. Here are the documents mentioned in Ness’s email:

UPDATE: I have removed the documents by the request of Josh McElveen NOT because they are “sensitive” but with the resignation of former Chair of the GAC Peter Ness, they are now out of date.

I’ll get updates in a while as Dr. Strang (formerly Vice-Chair and now the Acting Chair) and McElveen are redoing the documents.




Now I wish they hire an interim GM and CFO – there are PLENTY of firms out there that could do so.





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