US Constitution FI

Some Thoughts on Constitution Day

[Yesterday was] Constitution Day, the anniversary of the signing of the U.S. Constitution by 39 delegates to the Constitutional Convention in 1787.

Not a federal holiday, Constitution Day goes largely ignored because the government created on this date has opted over the centuries not to celebrate the anniversary of its own birth.

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$540 million fee increase

A $540 million Fee Increase – By a Republican?

You know that we Groksters will call out malice on either side of the aisle when appropriate, and this time it’s a Republican who has earned the spotlight. A representative from one of the most republican districts in New Hampshire has put in two very, very, anti-liberty bills. One of those bills will create a … Read more

Skip, Freedom Is The Symptom, The People The Cause

Skip, true. It is about freedom, but there’s more to it than that. I would suggest that state encroachment on individual liberties is a symptom of the problem and not the problem itself.  It’s about the people. It’s about people willing to cede their liberty and freedom to a faceless bureaucrat in exchange for the illusion of safety, for a handout, or both. It’s the values that people hold that they place themselves as a pet of the state; they willingly devolve themselves into the Burkean “flies of a summer”.

We’ve raised generations steeped in state dependency, and now we see the result of this societal mistake when there’s a problem. When there’s a problem or a challenge, the first reaction of too many people is to call in the Department of Personal Responsibility Absolution to handle it. They believe that they themselves are uncapable of handling the problem, that it’s somebody else’s responsibility.  If there are poor people, the government should handle it.  If there are sick people, government should handle it. Elderly, the government should care for them.

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There Are No Republicans For Obama

There are no Republicans for ObamaBack in 2008, and I may have shared this story before, I was discussing with a longtime friend my conclusion that then candidate John McCain was not really a ‘Republican.’  He could not understand why so I asked my baptist minister friend…”there are a lot of ‘interpretations’ of Christianity, and for the most part each is reasonably accepting of the others…but isn’t there a point at which what it is they are “practicing” is no longer Christianity?”  He said yes.  I said, “OK, same with being a “Republican.”

Believing in abortion, global warming, stifling paid political speech (to name a few) and…most importantly, the very strong belief that the federal government must regulate things from a central location, to mandate policy to the states and the people from on high….that is what progressives and socialists do, no matter what they call themselves.  That is not what it means to be a Republican.  We have a different party for people who think that way.  They are called Democrats.

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