"Mostly Free" and "Here to shut you down": Scott & Mike have an economic point to make....but it really isn't about economics! - Granite Grok

“Mostly Free” and “Here to shut you down”: Scott & Mike have an economic point to make….but it really isn’t about economics!

It’s about Freedom, plain and simple. Scott has the simple example – a childhood lemonade stand; Mike has the ramifications – do we have Economic Freedom anymore?  If a child can’t even open a side-walk-side homemade drink stand that almost ALL of us have tried at one time or another (or if not personally, someone who has, or has bought such from the same), ask yourself – have we gone overboard?  Have we the type of society that has become all that insistent that every tittle and jot of a bureaucratic rule making insane asylum?

We have prided ourselves, as a country, as being the Land of Opportunity.  What does is say when our children are denied that opportunity at the get-go?  What does it say when adults masquerading has “our protectors” can’t see the difference between a commercial venture and a kiddy stand (who most often, get shamed into backing down)?

Even worse, that these “inspectors” have the chutzpah to believe that they NEED to be there in that child’s face saying “YOU didn’t follow the rules!”.  And lots of rules are being generated quickly, ruthlessly, and without a view to the cost (reformated, emphasis mine):

Last week, 1,571 new pages of regulations were published in the 2012 Federal Register, bringing the total for this year to more than 55,300 pages, according to the Competitive Enterprise Institute.  In those pages, 76 new final rules were approved, up from 51 final rules during the shortened Labor Day holiday week. That figure is equivalent to a new regulation being published every two hours and 13 minutes, 24 hours a day and seven days a week.  Those new rules bring the total number of pages of regulation to 55,324, with the government set to have 79,463 pages of regulations at its current pace.  Thirty-six economically significant rules published this year have combined compliance costs of more than $17.4 billion, though CEI estimates the true costs are actually higher.

And then we wonder why the US is now only 18th in the world for Economic Freedom.  Those of us who believe in entrepreneurial activities, and that it starts early.  No, it doesn’t mean that the lemonade stand then goes to to something bigger (although a boyhood friend of mine turned his into a little hut that then began to sell candy, then added hot dogs and soda, then ice cream treats….you get the idea.  He now owns several restaurants).

It’s also one reason that every time I listen to Progressives talk about that there has to be a law about this or that, or that Govt has to do more to protect us, they never, EVER talk about the opportunities lost, the jobs, the enhanced standard of living, and the freedom to start out at the bottom; I cringe.  Obama talks about opportunity for all – but his Administration (and the Dems that copy him in States everywhere) but that’s all it is – talk.  The action says louder “you don’t know what you are doing – you WILL do it our way”. Just think of this – how many of our young never get a sturdy start on what it means to actually work?  Progressives are so intent on helping “families on minimum wage” that they price high schoolers out of the marketplace.  I have grey hair – I HAD the opportunity to get an after-school job; Obama’s policies has that age group at:

For young high school graduates, the unemployment rate was 32.7 percent in 2010 and 31.1 percent over the last year (April 2011–March 2012), while the underemployment rate was 55.9 percent in 2010 and 54.0 percent over the last year.

Much of the Constitution was to prevent the overreach of Government in all areas of Liberty.  While the biggest thrust over the last few years has been on the First and Second Amendments (and 10th for Freedom of the States for Federal intrusions), little is spoken about the phrase of Economic Liberty.  Regulation piled upon regulation, laws upon laws – the end result is a lowering of our world status currently – and you cannot regulate yourself out of this.  Bringing down the heavy hand of Govt and say “compete” doesn’t work – you cannot legislate innovation.

The heavy hand has to be lifted.  But Skip, people will get hurt!  That may well be – but think of the Society that keeps anyone from getting hurt.  That will mean that we will have morphed from a “sky’s the limit with boundless opportunities” to one of “everything that is not permitted is strictly prohibited”.

You want your kids to grow up in such a world?
