Was This Class Taught in an Inclusive, Respectful, and Equitable Manner?

by Skip

Years ago, story after story would appear stemming from the developing  “outlook” of what Social Work Graduate Schools were demanding their graduates adopt. They kept throwing out students who were either Conservative, Christian, or both, or just not hewing to the Narrative of how the world was to be seen and dealt with by these newly minted graduates.

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Protesting “Inclusive Collections”

During an online professional development course called “How To Build and Defend Inclusive Collections” sponsored by Library Journal, Cornell University collection development librarian Carson Williams, asserted that “fostering an inclusive, safe queer library environment is the most important thing you can do.”

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Laconia School District: This shirt inappropriate for a third grader to wear to school

by Skip


We do a lot of writing and when one of the Groksters gets it wrong, an apology is required.  Tonite, it is my turn and I apologize to Superintended Steve Tucker, Principal Eric Johnson, and Teacher Lindsey Packer.  I publicized bad information – information for which I fell for. From my Daughter-in-Law’s Facebook post on this issue that I just happened to screenshot:

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