The Emmy Award-winning television show Survivor will be headed to the Green Mountain state to film their latest installment, “Survivor: Burlington,” this month. Airing its forty-second series since it debuted in 2000. The producers were looking for a location that could provide a unique set of challenges not yet faced by previous contestants.
Breaking: You Can Probably Sue Pfizer Over That Tainted mRNA COVID Vaccine
I think we’ve been clear about this. The immunity protections given to Pfizer by the government were never genuine, and the people handing them out knew that. And that while the Pfeds would cover for their own, the rest were on their own. That day may have arrived.
NBC’s COVID Natural Immunity Mea Culpa
NBC delivered a lbelatedValentine’s Day gift to people who probably don’t watch their networks. A headline that includes the words “Immunity acquired from a Covid infection is as protective as vaccination against severe illness and death.”
We Would Have Been Better off without Them and Not Just for Immunity’s Sake
We have, with rare exceptions, shared the alternative view on COVID, The Jab, those Non-Pharmaceutical interventions (remember the arrows?), and the COVID cult. We are part of the resistance. And we’ve been proven right to share or take those positions again and again (and again!).
Hon. Linda Rea Camarota, RN – We Have Been Robbed of Scientific Debate
What is natural immunity? As a child, did you have chickenpox? If you did as I did, there is no fear of another chickenpox viral infection. Granted, SARS-Cov-2 (Severe acute respiratory syndrome) is not a naturally occurring virus so not all established infectious disease practices apply.
Reasons to Refuse the COVID19 Vaccines …
As a retired occupational therapist, I keep abreast of developments in the medical field. And that includes the Covid-19 vaccine issue. Vaccine mandates are a hot issue right now. Let’s look at why they might be a bad idea.
OSHA – Employers Who Require Employees to Get The Jab™ are Liable For Adverse Reactions
The only way to make sure you never get COVID is to get the jump off a cliff vaccine. Say what? Yes, jumping has a more than 99.9% chance of death (and the vaccine will do nothing to prevent it). COVID, on the other hand, has a 99.9% (ish) survival rate if you even ever catch it.