New Hampshire’s “No Information” Voter

Grok Friend Spec Bowers just posted this on facebook. (Talk about a bridge too far.) A friend was talking with a neighbor about the gas tax. The neighbor said, “Yeah, that’s what you get when you vote Republican.” My friend told him the bill is being pushed by the Democrats. His neighbor replied, “No the … Read more

Larry Major, Pike Industries Governmental Rent-Seeker, is at it again.

by Skip

Well, I already put up a post where Pike paid rent-seeker Larry Major, with the title of “Government Relations”, (would that be an incestuous one?) was flogging the independent truckers that haul for Pike to go roust their NH State Reps and Senators to urge passage of HB617 which would enrich Pike Industries’s coffers but would most likely deflate their wallets, along with the rest of non-truckers, via a huge uplift in NH’s gas tax.  At least there he made clear he was an employee.  Now he’s got Letters to the Editor out doing the same thing – but without letting people know that his company directly benefits from it and flogging them to support it is part of his job (after all, money grubbing from government generally takes a PAID hack to be successful).  My response that has been submitted to my local papers:

To the Editor,

Larry Major in his Letter submitted to you attempts to make the case that passage of HB617, that raises the gas tax ere in NH, is a thing of beauty.  After all, we here in NH have supposedly let our roads go to ruin from neglect.  Er, anyone else remember thinking “hey, didn’t they JUST repave Rt 106 by the track a couple of years ago when Obama’s Porkulus money did it again?  So, Larry, was that stretch in “ruinous shape” then? As opposed to repairing truly needy roads?  Was that such a good use of “free money from the Feds”?

But more importantly, Mr. Major simply signed his name to his Letter as “Larry Major, Loudon”.  Just a concerned Citizen that has taken little notice that the Highway Fund, which should be solely for paying for road repair,  has become a sieve of a leaky bucket.  Instead of demanding that politicians do the right thing and stop thieving from it for other purposes, or that HB617 be SOLELY dedicated to the roads (it is not), he simply want more taken out of our pockets.  After all,   I believe Pike did the work on Route 106.

Er, that would be Mr. Major’s employer where his title is “Government Relations” (see where he implores Pike’s contract truckers to advocate for higher taxes on the rest of us to inflate Pike’s coffers.

Nicely done, Mr. Major, on being so “open” and “transparent”.

Kindest regards,

Skip Murphy

His Letter after the jump

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Guest Post by e. dog – “a touch of Bidenitus by I. Toddius!”

by Skip

From his email:  Skip – Here’s a follow-up on poor ol’ Todd, born with a government degree in his mouth, and a touch of Bidenitus.

Plagiary, Thy Name is I. Toddius!

As originally hurled downfield by Scott from the 50 yard line, then caught and carried to the end zone by Steve, this football keeps scoring more points against Team Statist. I’m sure at this juncture the Liberatti are at this very moment circling their limousines to once again protect one of their own who has strayed into the land of e-lifting words others strung together and take credit as if these mighty prose (and by inference, thoughts) were their own. What’s the big deal? The Grate Senator from MA-MA Land had someone take his test. And the bumbling V.P. gaff machine down in D.C. just can’t keep himself from laddling out another heapin’ helpin’ of unattributed verbiage onto his plate marked: “Highest I.Q. in da House!” What does it matter? Aren’t we all supposed to share our stuff? So what if someone grinding the Big Government ax over at Trip Reports or New Hamster Municipal Association wrote the stuff first?

C’mon Steve! Aren’t they just one giant wriggling mass of community organizers, so what does it matter if it comes from the mouth of one worm or another? You’re sooooo picky. Besides, it’s entirely possible I. Toddius lifted his prescient prose from Daily Dirt (which is not related to the Daily KOS, but is related to Our Road Contractor’s Daily Bread – and lot’s of it – for construction company owners and the union bosses they feed) instead of Trip Reports.

But wait Steve and Scott, there’s more on our budding HI.Q. Joe Biden wannabee from Durham, New Hamster!

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Dan Eaton Holds Kids Hostage

Image Credit: The Marketeer - Get the five.comNew Hampshire House Democrat Dan Eaton left office under investigation for intimidation and corruption.  He returned under the umbrella of returning civility to Concord.  Yet Eaton is proof that there never was any, not from the NH Democrat Leadership.  And now that he’s back and in charge of the powerful finance committee, he’s being who Dan Eaton is.  Someone who uses his office to help…Dan Eaton.

That is why Dan Eaton took a bill everyone likes, that would fix the charter school situation, and should have breezed out of the legislature and into law, and held it hostage.

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Did some of those HB617 Republicans not like that Flashlight that shined brightly? Good – Mission Accomplished

by Skip

gas pump oldOK, I know this is a couple of days old, but still worth posting as an object lesson.  We here at the ‘Grok raised a fuss and a big ‘ole stinkeroonie as we figuratively shined our flashlight into a dark corner – the kind of one where taxpayers end up paying for the mistakes that Government makes, either in actuality or in priority (e.g., not doing what it should be).  We berated those Republicans that voted to raise the gas tax (that Pike Industries loves so much) that would hurt ordinary working folks.

Well, our motto is to “Spank’em when they’re wrong and Thank’em when they’re right”; we did the former and now time for the latter:

March 19th, 2013
Contact: 603-271-3665

House Republican Leaders Comment on Gas Tax Increase Bill

CONCORD – Today House Republican Leader Gene Chandler (R-Bartlett) and House Republican Policy Leader Laurie Sanborn (R-Bedford) offered the following statements on the committee vote on HB617, a bill that would raise the gas tax. The House Ways and Means committee voted 11-7 to recommend the bill ought to pass with amendment. The committee amendment would raise the gas tax by 67%. Republicans on the committee were unanimous in their opposition to the bill.

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Guest Post by e.doG – “Gas Tax Lisping Fantasticos Just Give Me Gas”

by Skip is our most prolific commenters here on the ‘Grok who I first “met” over at TreeHugger (the Greenie Statist Enviro site that I go over to poke a stick into once in a while) – and he followed me “home”.  Located somewhere in this Live Free or Die State that we adore, he’s stayed around and brought his unique wordsmithing styling to the “Grok (to which we say “Thank you”):

Gas Tax Lisping Fantasticos Just Give Me Gas

After reading the latest download from New Hamster’s Democratic Machine to boost the “revenues” of the Grate State on the backs of those who reside and drive within its jurisdictional domain, once again I became flushed with questions.  But lo and behold, where I first read this boiler-plate proclamation at NH Insider – written by the esteemed Over-Lord who manages the town of Durham with mad skill –  there was no place to inquire of the mighty bureaucrat.  Evidently, Todd I. Selig considered his propaganda so invincible – so flawless – that he turned the comment feature off.  (“By order of the Royal Pompous Asses (clear throat) To all naives: There shall be no questioning of duly processed authority figures.  Pay the Man, take your seats, and shut up.”)  Now there’s a loud, a proud, and unquestionably, a correct-thinkin’ apparatchik.  I-Toddius reigns supreme!

First, order of business, Todd’s contribution to the “conversation” is really just recycled points from the Campbell playbook.  Reading over the pol megaphone snewspaper reports, which is repeated elsewhere and often by others on The Team, I-Toddius provides nothing new but more prattling – likely to score brownie points and get invites to swanky Liberatti festivities.

But I dither and linger.  On to the substance!

“This additional revenue would be placed in a separate fund within the constitutionally protected highway fund to be used exclusively for the construction, reconstruction, and maintenance of state and municipal roads and bridges – investment that will equate to good jobs across New Hampshire, particularly within the construction, engineering, paving, and aggregate industries.”  “The increase would also fund an additional $8.5 million per year for municipal bridge and highway aid programs, fully fund the I-93 widening project …”

Hey Todd-o –

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Guest post by NH State Rep. Jane Cormier: Bad Bill of the Month (HB 617)

by Skip

HB 617 – Gas Tax Bill “…The Gift That Keeps On Giving…”

Last Wednesday, the NH House approved the largest tax hike in state history by increasing New Hampshire’s Gas Tax by a BILLION dollars over the next four years. Basically, it means paying about $3.00 more at the pump EACH time you fill up! The bill’s primary sponsor, Democrat David Campbell, from Nashua, sounded the CRISIS alarm that our bridges are about ready to drop! FEAR – FEAR – FEAR – a great way to hike taxes and raise fees. Now, I am not saying we do not have work to do on our roads and bridges, but to cause such alarm and use it to raise gas taxes by a whopping 83% is beyond the pale.

In trying to answer the “concern” for our roads and bridges, Former Speaker of the House, Rep. William O’Brien offered an amendment to the bill which would “fix the leaky bucket” that is our Highway Fund. (This fund is historically raided to serve other budgetary priorities.) This amendment would have dedicated 100% of the highway funds directly to the New Hampshire roads and bridges infrastructure. O’Brien offered, “If we stop the leaks, we’ll have twice as much in this budget than if you pass the tax increase.” Of course, this amendment was voted down by the Democratic majority and the original bill was debated (over 2 hours – UGH) then finally passed. Commonsense did not prevail, sad to say. And unfortunately, 15 Republicans voted FOR this immense tax increase.

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By Whichever Ways And Means Make It Possible

From Ed Naile at NH Insider…

The Republican War on Women campaign was a secret code phrase for: women get to pay more for gas – especially those single moms who like big government.

For you single mom’s out there (Ed’s title was ‘Single Mom’s Love the Gas Tax’),  or any women at all, or even women who were not born women but feel like a woman, after getting slapped across the face with the Obama middle class tax increase at the beginning of the year, papa gubmint now wants to chew on a little more of your weekly revenue here in New Hampshire, with an 83% hike in the gas tax.

Welcome to the 83%…

Don’t worry.  You can probably exchange your gas receipts for some free birth control and a download of all the Obama’s Speeches.

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Gas Tax, Gas Tax, Gas Tax! Bill O’Brien Has An Amendment for HB 617

...Speaker of the House Bill O'Brien
Bill O’Brien

Former House Speaker Bill O’Brien has submitted a proposed amendment to HB 617 the New Hampshire Democrats massive gas tax hike.   It would require all taxes raised to go to the Highway Department for roads and bridges.   (From Facebook)

This morning I sent the following email to all other state representatives. I would like to share it with you.

If you agree, please contact your local state representative and ask him to vote on Wednesday for the O’Brien Amendment to HB 617, which will avoid an 83% gas tax increase, the largest tax increase in NH state history.

Here’s the email and the amendment is attached to this posting:

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Email Doodlings – thoughts on Republicans & HB617 from a reader

by Skip

All kinds of emails come into the Inbox – right now, it can run 300 to 500 per day and I can’t get to them all, or if I do, the sheer volume of stuff just gives me a case of induced ADD (and with TMEW, the Eldest, & the Youngest medically diagnosed with ADHD, I KNOW ADD).  This one did catch and hold my attention (emphasis mine) – it shows that it isn’t just me saying this stuff.  NH GOP Chair Jennifer Horn, are you listening?  Here’s a person (take them as a real example) that MIGHT be more positive about the Republican Party if it would just keep its word and be Consistent in how it applies what it says it believes in.


You don’t know me, but I am an originalist constitutional conservative, not a Republican, who happens to live in [Grok Witness Protection Program] in the formerly conservative state of New Hampshire. I run in a circle that includes [redacted to protect the guilty] and [redacted to protect the semi-guilty], another participant with the program. We have discussed HB 617 on the air and in emails. When I learned of the committee vote, I accused the emailer of the information of not having his facts straight. He then proceeded to straighten me out by sending me a detailed account of the vote.

Jennifer Horn has a steep hill to climb. The Republicans think that Democrat lite is the way to salvation and the way to correct a poor image. They want to be Bob Michels, if you remember that scum bag from Illinios. The vote on HB617 proves my point and illustrates why I will have nothing to do with the Party. I do support individual Republican candidates who are conservative enough and demonstrate some knowledge of the two Constitutions and the role of the states, as intended by the Founders. Rand Paul is one of those guys, as are Ted Cruz and Louis Ghomert.

The Democrat administration of our affairs is based on Progressive/Marxist doctrine. It can end only in bankruptcy. The Republicans need to stop worrying about image and what others are saying. They need to do the right thing. That more than a dozen of them on that committee don’t even know right from wrong shows why the Party is in ruins and can’t draw support from people like me.

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Email Doodlings – it’s the HB617 numbers that are fishy

by Skip

Well, we’ve gone from full blown guns all the time to HB617 having a run.  Sure, each topic is important, but for us, each one brings up LOTS of secondary & tertiary items to be contemplated, and so it is with HB617.  However, aNOTHER reader sent in this analysis on the spreadsheet that David Campbell was sending out – that Bill O’Brien sent to us (emphasis mine):

Good morning, Skip,

Sorry I’m late to this party but I just read your post re: HB617.

Hasn’t anybody noticed the double counting in Campbell’s (DOS) spreadsheet? Take a look at the revenue estimated for FY16, due to the 7/1/13 $0.04 increase: $175,531.20. Now look at the revenue for the same year, due to the additional 7/1/14 $0.04 increase to $0.08: $351,062.40. The spreadsheet takes credit for both a $0.04 increase and a $0.08 increase, as if the total increase was $0.12.

Between FY16 and FY18, there is over a million dollars too much revenue projected.

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HB617 – Well, ONE Republican is making a big stink about raising the gas tax.

by Skip

Well, I, Mike, and Steve are all over HB617,  the bill that will raise the gas tax 18 cents over the next four years – and to hammer home the point, we can thank Republicans for greasing the skids to push this through without nary a cross vote.  Well, one NH House Representative has spoken up about it – NH State Representative Bill O’Brien.  And he has sent some information our way as well.  In my post, it is obvious that Democrat David Campbell is all aflutter about his “hoodwinking” : “the gift that keeps on giving” – he is just ecstatic that he’s widened a revenue source for feeding Leviathan.  Notice that wording – spoken as a true Statist in that the orientation is from State Treasury aspect.

Sidenote: Never mentions that in order for the State to “receive”, it is taking, by force, monies that New Hampshirites would otherwise be able to spend on their families.  But, that’s how Progressives are – they are always convinced that they have a better purpose for your money than you do.  They delight in using other peoples money (but really believe it was theirs to begin with).

Well, Bill decides to take Campbell to task for playing magician with the facts of the bill to one set of folks but boasting about it to the Democrat Leadership (Campbell’s letter after the jump) and adds some figures (emphasis mine):


There is an additional spreadsheet you have on the 83% hike in the gas tax, but up to now you have only given to the Democratic leadership of the Finance, Resources and Fish & Game committees. That spreadsheet, which was prepared by the Department of Safety, points out that this near doubling of the gas tax will apply to all gas sales, but that gas used for snowmobiles and boats is not placed in the Highway Trust Fund, but instead is deposited into other funds.

Your disclosure of this fact to those committee leaders is inconsistent, of course, with the documents you have forwarded today showing only money going to roads and is contrary to your public protestations that “every dollar” of the gas tax hike will be going to roads. Instead, and as you said in the late afternoon Friday, February 22, 2013 email to the leadership of those committees, “[w]hen fully phased in [the gas tax] will generate $658,000 annually in General Fund revenue, $1,251,000 for Fish & Game and $593,000 for DRED/Trails.” This “extra revenue” going to Fish & Game and DRED will not, of course, be used to repair red-listed bridges.

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