Guest Post by e. dog – “a touch of Bidenitus by I. Toddius!”

by Skip

From his email:  Skip – Here’s a follow-up on poor ol’ Todd, born with a government degree in his mouth, and a touch of Bidenitus.

Plagiary, Thy Name is I. Toddius!

As originally hurled downfield by Scott from the 50 yard line, then caught and carried to the end zone by Steve, this football keeps scoring more points against Team Statist. I’m sure at this juncture the Liberatti are at this very moment circling their limousines to once again protect one of their own who has strayed into the land of e-lifting words others strung together and take credit as if these mighty prose (and by inference, thoughts) were their own. What’s the big deal? The Grate Senator from MA-MA Land had someone take his test. And the bumbling V.P. gaff machine down in D.C. just can’t keep himself from laddling out another heapin’ helpin’ of unattributed verbiage onto his plate marked: “Highest I.Q. in da House!” What does it matter? Aren’t we all supposed to share our stuff? So what if someone grinding the Big Government ax over at Trip Reports or New Hamster Municipal Association wrote the stuff first?

C’mon Steve! Aren’t they just one giant wriggling mass of community organizers, so what does it matter if it comes from the mouth of one worm or another? You’re sooooo picky. Besides, it’s entirely possible I. Toddius lifted his prescient prose from Daily Dirt (which is not related to the Daily KOS, but is related to Our Road Contractor’s Daily Bread – and lot’s of it – for construction company owners and the union bosses they feed) instead of Trip Reports.

But wait Steve and Scott, there’s more on our budding HI.Q. Joe Biden wannabee from Durham, New Hamster!

Apparently, this guy is severely prose challenged, consequently the poor sod – Sodd I. Telig? – must rely on others to script his proclamations to the masses. And boy, was this Municipal Man prolific, leaving his heavily lifted footprint on many impressionable substrates though out our Fair Nanny, our Grate State. Here’s another direct e-lift from the Trip Report:”The average driver in the Southern New Hampshire area, including Manchester and Nashua, loses $503 annually due to driving on deteriorated roads, while rough roads cost the average Dover-Rochester-Portsmouth driver $400 annually.” Of course, I. Toddius’s’s’s version: sans quotes. Big deal you Liberatti say, you defenders of those just “sharing words” … just passin’ the bong for another hit from Big Nanny. “Don’t boggart that joint my friend”, you cry. “How else are we to get out our cohesive message out the masses”, you plead.

But there’s more, my fair-minded democratic friends. I think I found the source for a major vein of Toddo’s pithy prose, this from the Legislative Bulletin:

  • “the road toll is a true user fee that has not been increased in over 20 years. If people want decent roads, someone will have to pay for them; it is only appropriate that the cost be borne by the users. Based upon an average of 22.6 miles per gallon, and an average of 12,000 miles driven annually, once the full 15-cent increase takes effect in 2017, this would cost an average driver an additional $80 per year. Those who drive less would pay less; those who drive more would pay more.” Can you find the matching words? (Hint: they’re highlighted, notice the quote marks were not)
  • And: “this increase would provide an additional $8.5 million per year for municipal bridge and highway aid programs, fully fund the I-93 widening project, fully fund the state’s ten-year transportation plan, and provide funding to address the 1600+ miles of state roads currently rated in “poor” condition.”

And finally, I was going to grant poor I. Toddius original content status for his opening paragraph – I mean really, who would have the audacity to punt on their opener? But out of sheer dogged determination, I also found these words squirreled away in Bulletin #12 of his ghost writer: the illustrious, the pristine, the New Hamster Municipal Association: “After lengthy debate on Wednesday, the House voted 207-163 in favor of HB 617, an NHMA policy bill that increases the road toll by 4 cents per gallon of gasoline in each of the next three years (fiscal years 2014 – 2016) and then 3 cents in fiscal year 2017, for a total 15-cent increase over the current road toll of 18 cents per gallon.” Petty, to be sure, but quid-pro-quo for piling it on.

In conclusion, seems ol’ Mr. Cut n’ Paste pulled his unattributed pork talking points from a few troughs. Now that’s information about I. Toddius Selig you won’t see at the end of his virulent self-promotions in the name of Grate State expansion. Those unctuous, self-righteous pols and bureaucrats: ya gotta luv them.

– C. dog may have committed a sordid act of self-plagiarizing in the typing of this research project.

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