All New GrokTALK! April 20th, 2013

This week on GrokTALK! – Dr. Julianne Cooper visits to talk about a Liberal education, Common Core, Teenage brains, surviving 25 years in the White Tower, Learning 9 to 5, and how those ‘new’ progressive ideas you keep hearing about are not as new as you think. – We talk with Josh Youssef about HB … Read more

State Senate Votes 13-11 to Table HB 370 – The Education Scholarship Credit Lives!!!

HB 370, the government-school monopoly, anti-education-choice-bill from the union-owned Democrat House, that would have repealed the education scholarship tax credit that passed last year, has been tabled by the New Hampshire State Senate.    Tabling a bill is not legislative death but it is not unlike locking a prisoner up in a dungeon and forgetting they are there.  Someone might wander down to take a peek, but more likely  than not no one will ever visit it again.

Snidely whiplash - NEA loses as HB370 is tabled in NH Senate

There are several reasons for doing it, but more than likely this was to give cover for folks who would rather leave things as they are.  As a way to end the repeal effort without actually having to vote pass or fail..   Or maybe we got lucky.  I don’t much care what or why, just that it’s done, at least until Fred Lynn the ACLU, and the out of state wing-nuts who are planning to file suit at the bench of left-wing Judge John “I redefined domicile in time for the November Elections” Lewis….who will be asked to block the program on the grounds that it violates the separation of church and state.

Today we are victorious.  Tomorrow is another day.

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NH State Senate To Vote On Education Choice Tomorrow

HB 370, the New Hampshire Democrats effort to punish the children of poor and lower income families, to keep them out of private schools by denying them an opportunity to get a scholarship, will be voted on tomorrow by the New Hampshire State Senate. Back in April of 2012 we reported on how 71% of New Hampshire’s public schools … Read more

State Senate Committee Votes to End NH Democrat Efforts at Repealing Education Equality

From Facebook:

Senator Andy Sanborn reports fabulous news!! –> the Senate Health, Education, and Human Services Committee voted to kill HB370, so that’s a win for parents and school choice!!!

The Senate will still have to vote on the recommendation to kill the repeal effort but this is a very positive signal.   And I I get to say ‘…Democrats attempt to repeal education equality.‘  That’ll have the leftocrats foaming at the mouth and spraying spittle on their keyboards as they attempt to translate their outrage into smears and slurs.

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“I despise bullies……wealthy officials who exercise school choice for their own families while denying it to others less financially fortunate”

by Skip

This column came to my attention from Ann Marie Bannfield who as become one of the most knowledgeable and articulate defenders of the need for Educational Freedom, for local control,  and an ardent foe of lowered educational/academic standards that have swept our country.  Thus, when she emailed out a link to this Op-Ed, I read it.  After doing so, it became clear that this is one of the best pieces I have read that simply and plainly call out the real bullies in the educational field.  No, not other students but the adults on the other side of the desk in the form of the teachers unions.

The political bullying of NH school children continues  BY RICHARD EVANS

I despise bullies.

One of the most profound impressions ever made on me was when, as a young man in the 1980s, I travelled along the border between China and Hong Kong. I vividly remember watching the people on the Chinese side laboring in the rice fields, literally in the shadow of the gun towers which sprouted from the barbed wire at frequent intervals. At the end of the day, my wife and I crossed back to the other side of the wire beyond which lay freedom and prosperity.

For our Chinese guide and the folks in the fields, however, that was a forbidden land. How unimaginably galling it must have been for them to peer through that barrier every day of their lives, and see Nirvana so close and yet so unattainable.

Years later I realized that the most telling feature of any wall is the posture of the guards. The Chinese guards on the border, like their counterparts who once manned the equally dismal Berlin Wall, were not defending their fellow citizens against outside attack. They were facing inwards, preventing escape. Arch bullies, one and all.

Not all walls are physical structures. The wall that has been erected around our public schools is purely economic, yet it traps those it surrounds equally as effectively as any barbed wire. Escape is theoretically feasible, but it comes with a price tag that is beyond the means of most families. To leave is to forgo, for some completely unfathomable reason, all access to a share of the substantial funding that society allocates to education. All of the money must stay behind.

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Dem NH Majority Votes To Kill School Scholarship Program

Children and poor families hit hardest

So which Republicans’ voted against private scholarships for poor kids in New Hampshire?

Ann Marie Banfield provided a list, with contact info, and reminds us (On Facebook), a vote against will actually cost taxpayers more.  (I talked about it here yesterday.)

The HB370 (repeal) passed 188 to 155 and now moves to the Senate where it had better fail-  that’s a hint.)

The lefts list of GOP guerrillas on the jump as well as the entire roll call.

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