NH State Senate To Vote On Education Choice Tomorrow


HB 370, the New Hampshire Democrats effort to punish the children of poor and lower income families, to keep them out of private schools by denying them an opportunity to get a scholarship, will be voted on tomorrow by the New Hampshire State Senate.

Back in April of 2012 we reported on how 71% of New Hampshire’s public schools failed to meet their adequate yearly progress in math and reading.  (Not very ‘progressive’ of them.)  We later debated the potential benefits to local New Hampshire school districts who could ‘potentially’ collect a tax windfall per student with the program–more than they would lose if the new voucher legislation was passed.  (It passed.)  We made fun of left wing criticism (narrative) against the scholarship program and even showed how it had saved other states money.  We even reminded Liberals that they have been known to argue against overturing settled law (which the school voucher program is), the same Democrats who were now focusing on the budget as promised trying to overturn every law Republicans passed that they could–as quickly as possible.

Oh yeah, and then there’s that bit about opponents of the scholarship program being religious bigots.

Contact your NH State Senator.  Tell them to kill HB 370.  Kids deserve a choice in education.  Parents deserve the chance to make it.  The Scholarship program the Democrats want to kill gives them that chance and that choice.

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