GrokTV Special Interview: Bob Burns (candidate for NH Executive Council District 4) – Q5: “Hacks” versus “Public Servants”?

by Skip

Leadership counts and one of the primary jobs of the NH Executive Council is to confirm those that have been brought up for appointment for leadership positions like Commissioners of departments and such, and judges.  The person doing the nominating certainly has a philosophy as to why a given candidate should be confirmed, so we asked Bob Burns if he had a philosophy in vetting and confirming candidates – what does he look for?

Question 5:

You understand the role and the purview of the Executive Council; confirm appointments and nominations made by the Governor or a particular dept heads, chairmanships, and things like that. Do you have a particular philosophy in mind on how you’re going to view a particular dept. head that’s been nominated by a governor which is going to garner your assent or garner your opposition (i.e., the old “hack” vs “servant” metric)?


  • Question 1: Why are you running?
  • Question 2: You have a short list of things that the  Executive Council needs to do or needs not to do?
  • Question 3:  State Govt too big, too small, or just right and if you gain the seat on the Exec. Council, how would you answer that question and what would the Exec. Council be able to do to implement that?
  • Question 4:  But you are voting not on the bills but on the contracts stemming from passed legislation, right?  Can you change the contracts?
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