With Overwhelming Evidence and a Little Common Sense, You Don’t Need a Smoking Gun

According to one recent survey, 53 percent of Americans now believe that Biden family members were paid by foreign nationals to influence policy decisions. That’s called bribery. It’s an impeachable offense under the Constitution, and if those respondents are right, if Joe Biden has been selling out our country for personal gain, it’s the biggest … Read more

Palate Cleanser

Palate Cleanser – The SloMo Guys Are at It Again: 2 Inch Gun

No, not a 2″ BORE gun, just a gun that is 2 inches in size.  A toy, if you wish, but if up close, it would be one of those “that’ll leave a mark”.  No, not a large mark and if you are wearing a coat, your ears will hurt worse than the impact.  However, … Read more

To Save Our Students, Let’s Debate Everything That Contributes to School Shootings.

Since America’s inception, guns have been a part of our culture. Our inherent right to self-defense is enshrined in our Constitution. But in recent years, senseless mass killings by deranged gunmen have become almost a commonplace occurrence. As a result, many Americans have come to see firearms as nothing more than instruments of mass destruction, … Read more

The first rule of gun safety

Another DGU Happy Ending – NH State Rep Katherine Rogers Must Have Had A Cow

DGU – Defensive Gun Use.  It’s a phrase that the Civilian Disarmament mob hates to hear. A lawful person with a gun stopping a bad guy harshes their Narrative.

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Data Point – Democrats are filling in for Obama as gun sellers

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

Every single Democrat Presidential Wannabee is calling for massive disobedience against the “shall not be infringed” clause of the Second Amendment.

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Data Point – Civilian gun inventory up, Crime down

Emphasis mine: Looking at a 10-year trend, the numbers of violent crimes were down a full 9 percent from 2009 through 2018. The rate shows a more dramatic drop: “There were an estimated 368.9 violent crimes per 100,000 inhabitants in 2018, a rate that fell 3.9 percent when compared with the 2017 estimated violent crime … Read more

It is easy to set them all a-tilt…

It sure does hurt when the Progressive premise is proven to be rather shoddy, doesn’t it?  Let this be the lesson to us all: don’t let Progressives get away with imprecise vocabulary and sentence structure.  Take those away from them and there isn’t much left for the Left to mutter about, eh? Like this: (H/T: … Read more

Twitter Jail

Twitter: Poke, poke the ban

OK, it was back on May 3rd that I removed Steve’s tweet that got us locked out of our Twitter account. I did, however, “replace” his wording to try an experiment to see how far was a “bit too far”. My tweet was this: Strangely enough, nothing happened.  No block, no ban, no lockout.  So, … Read more

Sheep in a Pen

Yesterday, a shot was fired near the Dartmouth College campus, in Hanover, NH. It pains me to think of students (or anyone), sheltering in place, waiting in the dark, wondering what is going on – no sense of the moment or control over their destiny or fate. I picture a pen of lambs and sheep, … Read more

Massachusetts man and his family killed by a Bobcat…

This is the byline we would have been writing today, had Roger Mundell Jr. not had a gun…and used it to save himself and his family. When he opened his garage door, he was savagely attacked by a wild Bobcat, which then went after his nephew, giving him the chance to retrieve his firearm and … Read more

Picture of The Day 4-19-11

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