White Guilt – As Good as Gold

For those old enough to remember, the America of the 1960s was vastly different from the country we know today. It was a time when everyone saw socialism and communism as evil and destructive ideologies, when nearly all Americans felt nothing but pride in our country, and when hippies were pretty much the only ones … Read more

Right to Self Defense… It Is Absolute

Our Second Amendment constitutional right is absolute, unless and until it infringes upon the rights of others. The act of owning a gun, regardless of the type, does not infringe upon someone else’s right. Using it to threaten, injure or kill them most definitely does. Guns are inanimate objects, tools. They are tools used by … Read more

Hemp For Victory

Kirk and Kevin continue with part II on civil asset forfeiture, presumption of guilt, problems with the House clerk, the current Industrial hemp bill (Hemp for Victory!), labeling poker as a game of skill, video slot machines, and of course…Beer.    

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