Sherry Frost sex Grooming children postcard

Groomers Part 3: Predators Who Run the World

For many people, the thought of the most powerful people in the world, entrusted to lead our countries, major corporations, and even religious bodies, as psychopathic predators are either too unbelievable or too uncomfortable to consider. No one wants to believe the reins of power are in the hands of people who not only fail … Read more

Governor Groomer Chris Sununu

Groomers Part 2: Power Structures

“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”  -Voltaire In part 1 of this series, we looked at the common method groomers use to ensnare their victims from identifying and personalizing to love bombing and ultimately enslaving. We discussed the main organizations and individuals who use them … Read more

Disney Groomers

Groomers Part 1: Methods

The term “groomer” has thrust itself into the national dialogue since about the middle of 2020 when elementary school educators began outing themselves on social media. It seems the seared conscience of the groomer has been glossed over with a sense of mission and heroism. The people who offer digital monologues filled with triumphal soliloquies … Read more

NH Governor Chris Sununu quizzical

Groomers and Governor Sununu VERSUS Parents

Why is the Parental Rights Bill (HB1431) needed? It is needed because we have examples of groomers who are GROOMING and SEXUALIZING children IN our public schools. They are telling children to HIDE this from their parents.

The 603 Alliance also put out this fact sheet:

Here are the facts:

  1. HB1431 does not require the “outing” of kids questioning their sexuality or gender identity.
  2. It does not “target” gay and transgender kids for discrimination or disparate treatment.
  3. If a child wants to confide in a staff member at school that they are questioning their gender or sexuality, that is completely permissible under the bill.
  4. However, if a child needs counseling, requests a change to their official record or requires “action by school authorities pursuant to school policies” then parents will be notified.
  5. The bill also gives parents rights to information, transparency and other protections that are fundamental to the very difficult job of parenting and educating their kids.
  6. For those tragic circumstances where parents constitute a risk to their children, we have existing laws and institutions to address those risks.

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