TMEW: “I Do Not Want My Grandson Coming to Me Asking “What Is ‘Queer’?” after Watching a Disney Program!!!!”

by Skip

I brought up this post from RedState on her iPad and asked her to read it. It was about how Disney’s head honcho was going to make all their programming at least 50% all-in on LQBTQRSTUV characters and for ALL ages –

First: it used to be that ALL of American Society protected kids’ innocence from most adult themes, ideas, and discussions, with sexuality being one of the chief ones. It was understood that they aren’t ready for it, won’t be for quite some time, and that those not in line with that were shunned, scorned, and told to leave the room (if not the house).

No longer for Disney! They’ve become sexual groomers of young children in my eyes. How different is that from the porn industry (except the latter, leave little kids alone)?

LEAKED: Meeting of Disney Leadership Exposes Insanely Woke Agenda Targeted Directly at Children

And decided to take on Florida Governor Ron DeSantis by blaming him for the new education bill that made it clear that sexuality was not to be taught in kindergarten through 3rd Grade. That’s the purview of Parents to make those kinds of decisions and not school teachers, guidance counselors, or other staff. LEAVE THE KIDS ALONE! But of course, the Left is all about indoctrinating the kids, and Disney has just thrown in with them and calls it “the Don’t Say Gay Bill” like any good Lefty that HASN’T READ THE BILL (“gay” is not in there). And here are a couple of tweets from the post that make it clear that Disney believes your kids are THEIR kids to do with what they want:

And the author of the post makes a great point that most of us “out there” keep thinking about – why are we Normal people getting erased? Or is this part of the desired effect – gaslight us into being guilty of who WE are even as LGBT Wokesters claim we are erasing them?

In other words, if you are a normal person who embraces the sex you were born with instead of entertaining the delusion it can be changed, you don’t deserve any representation. In fact, you need to be completely erased.

Going back to the idea of conditioning children into LGBT ideology, one of Disney’s executive producers comes right out and admits it during the meeting.

And Rufo’s “obtained videos” make it clear – Disney is being deliberate in injecting content into young kids’ programming that Parents may not like at all. You know, similar to a school district that will lie to you about what THEY are doing in grooming your kids’ sexuality into something they aren’t? Like here in NH, the Manchester School District is getting sued for not telling the parent of a young girl what they were doing with her child behind her back???


So after reading and watching all that, TMEW just threw Disney out of our house and I applauded her for it. She went ballistic and immediately picked up the phone and canceled the subscription. She told the agent:

Disney is supposed to be fun and NOT teaching object lessons they are not ready for it.  That is HARMING children because they are not ready for this!

Unfortunately, she got dropped, and after calling back to finish the cancellation, the reason for canceling had changed to: “Disagreed with content material.” And then she went ballistic again.

Bonchie of RedState summed it up well:

Do you know what I’ve never thought about doing? Injecting sexuality into children’s programming in order to reinforce my adult views on the topic. I’ve never thought about that because I’m not a groomer, and I don’t use that word lightly, but really, what else would you call this? “Adding queerness” into shows that small kids watch is the kind of activism that should shock and appall everyone. Children are not pawns to be used in the pushing of adult sexual ideology. Yet, Disney employees like Latoya Raveneau are consumed by the practice.

…These people are deranged and need psychiatric help. Disney’s view of children is not normal, not safe, and not acceptable. It’s incredibly disturbing and sad to see a once-great company that centered on promoting and protecting the innocence of children turn into an apparent safe haven for groomers seeking to push a far-left, woke agenda. It will now be up to parents to put pressure on Disney to change course and clean house. If that doesn’t happen, there is no reason to keep going to their theme parks nor to let your children watch their programming.

I’ve pointed it out before – much of the intent behind this is to separate kids from their parents. They do believe in Hillary’s “It takes a village” line but have taken it to the point of adding, “and if Parents won’t give them up to us, we will TAKE THEM FROM THEIR PARENTS!“. Parents are being pushed aside and are held to be of no account and actually guilty of “child abuse in the future”. Disney AND your school system (don’t believe me? Demand to see their Policies on Transgender kids and find out what they WON’T tell you).

Long ago, I had promised to take the Eldest and Youngest to DisneyWorld in Florida. It took me a few years to fulfill that promise, and they were older by then, but I did. Wonderful time and they felt secure that they could go where they wanted in the park without TMEW and I.

Sadly, I did make the same promise to the Grandson. I won’t be honoring it now.

Why would I give them my money as they have made it clear that they hate people who still hold to the idea that kids’ innocence, while young, should still be protected?

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