Remember GraniteCrock? It was supposed to be former Democrat State Senator Jeanne Dietsch’s fact-checking vehicle. Sorry, debunking. It failed to be that from day one.
Granite Crock
Jeanne Dietsch’s GraniteCrock “Debunking Site” Still a Floundering List Building Scam with No Readers
Remember way back when former State Senator Jeanne Dietsch said she was going to expose GraniteGrok? That soon became exposing Grok and NH Journal. Then it was the right-wing media, truth, blah blah blah.
Democrat Jeanne Dietsch’s “Crock”
Christmas came early for the ‘Grok in 2020. Uppity NH Leftist (and former State Senator) Jeanne Dietsch announced she was going to debunk GraniteGrok. “Tired of the B.S. from Granite Grok. Write a post in Granite Crock. Win a prize for the best debunk.” Soooo…how is that working out?
Debunking Granite Crock’s Debunkers on Education
The Granite Crock group recently sent out an email blast soliciting ‘fact checks’ from its members to ‘debunk’ support for Education Freedom Accounts, which they see as a threat to public school funding. But it’s the email itself that needs debunking.
A Trolling We Shall Go – “Granite Crock” – Part 2
So, yes, was spun up by now former NH State Senator Jeanne Dietsch in yet another Progressive’s attempt to “take us down”. In this case, to “Stop the Bull” supposedly from us. After a tip to Steve, I wrote it up: “A Trolling We Shall Go, a Trolling We Shall Go! High Ho the … Read more
A Trolling We Shall Go, a Trolling We Shall Go! High Ho the Dairo, a Trolling We Shall Go – “Granite Crock”
Steve was alerted to yet another attempt to try to “takedown” GraniteGrok. I think, over the years, there have been four or five attempts. The problem is, most of these “we’re better than you are” have no idea how hard and how much discipline it takes to actually be successful and build up any kind of readership that sticks around.