Orwell 1984 Two Minutes Mask Hate

Free And Brave? Maybe Neither

Americans have always prided themselves on living in the land of the Free and the Brave. It has a great sound, but does it ring hollow in the 21st century? We are not far from a two-year period where the government locked us down, forced us to vaccinate with untested pharmaceuticals, wear masks unless sleeping, and not to question a single facet of the COVID plan.

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Polystyrene Food containers

Notable Quote – It’s always about the Govt Overreach

Why is it that when someone has a “bright idea,” they never want to spend their own money? They want the rest of us (taxpayers) to do it for them?

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Gilford social emotional academic

Education today – Why is Academics THIRD in this list of Responsibilities?

This is an ad that was put into the Laconia Daily Sun. Now, I expect for many communities, there are going to be a lot of ads for teachers and such due to staff not wanting to physically to return to the schools (and some not wanting to even do Remote Learning as well.

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Airsoft and archery on pegboard

So, having a BB gun on your wall is the same as a gun in a classroom? More overreach by Govt

If you have a school-aged child that goes to a Government school, you know all about Remote Learning via the Internet. For some it has been a bust – bored, not wanting to do anything – or a boon – “Hey, I can get up when I want, do my schoolwork on MY schedule (which is generally faster than in school), and knock off early.

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Small Farm v Big Government – Raw Milk Ice Cream

Earlier this month, on August 4th, Jill Fudala and her husband got a sternly written letter from the Department of Health and Human Services telling them that their sale of Raw Milk Ice Cream was illegal, and needed to stop immediately, or else they’d face fines of $500 per day, with $1,000 to start. Like … Read more

Update 1:Another case of DCYF bullying in Laconia? And CYAing using RSAs that they don’t know?

Well, it’s been a coupla weeks since I last brought up this incident: Another case of DCYF bullying in Laconia? And CYAing using RSAs that they don’t know? To recap, this was an incursion into a Laconia NH family by a DCYF worker that purportedly was investigating a claim of child abuse. ButTrinity Mulleavey, the … Read more

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