So, having a BB gun on your wall is the same as a gun in a classroom? More overreach by Govt


If you have a school-aged child that goes to a Government school, you know all about Remote Learning via the Internet. For some it has been a bust – bored, not wanting to do anything – or a boon – “Hey, I can get up when I want, do my schoolwork on MY schedule (which is generally faster than in school), and knock off early.

While the Grandson’s time with this is over (it actually worked out fairly well, all things considered), it is viable. That said, I deliberately chose where the web sessions were going to be held: just in front of our slider where we have white inside floor-to-ceiling shutters. Ostensibly for insulation purposes, they also can serve as internal security devices as well. And for this case, bare white serves as a lighting prop as well.

But some parents, this one, in particular, have learned that not checking what is in the background when your child is in a GoToMeeting/Google Meet/Zoom/et al school-based meeting is going to get you into trouble with a Schoolmarm Karen that believes YOUR home is part of HER classroom (reformatted, emphasis mine):

Police Search Home After Teachers See 11-Year-Old’s BB Gun Hanging on Wall During Virtual Classroom

…In the world of virtual school, however, there’s a very risky flip side to that window into someone else’s home, as Baltimore mom Courtney Lancaster found out.

Lancaster’s son, a 5th grader and Boy Scout who’s conscientiously working toward the rank of Eagle Scout, has taken three levels of archery classes and learned to shoot Airsoft and BB guns/rifles. His archery equipment and Airsoft and BB guns/rifles are stored in his room on a pegboard. After his BB gun was spotted during a recent virtual school meeting, a screenshot was taken and sent to the school safety officer with a concern that the “weapon was not secured,” the school safety officer contacted police, and police “felt a home visit was warranted.”

According to emails Lancaster provided to a Baltimore television station, school officials also felt her son was in violation of the district’s weapons policy “because he could not ‘bring’ weapons to school, just as he could not ‘bring’ weapons to virtual class.”

Absolutely insane!  At what point does “School” and and “Home” begin and end??  And WHY do school systems, more and more, get the notion that an entire city is “part of their school”? Further, who are these morons, mostly believing that THEY are entrusted with the well being of the kids in their classrooms because parents aren’t sufficiently responsible to HAVE kids in the first place, that they can just “say” something and it becomes reality?  Did no one think to have the thought of “oh, I’ve been invited into someone else’s home – I need to behave myself“?

Obviously not.  And I am calling the teacher and the higher-level staff (that also haven’t figured out that they are ‘overhead’) morons that can’t figure out that a virtual classroom of theirs cannot be, in any shape or form, conflated with their actual classroom. Or someone else’s home. That parents may have differing rules for their children than schools do.

Or is this just the ongoing case of “responsibility appropriation” (a la the Left’s stupid diversity of “Cultural Appropriation”) with only their own Policies giving them the power to do so?

Also, as most of us know, those teachers are in their OWN homes (at least the Grandson’s were). Are we to have the same “right” in “snooping” in their homes as this teacher felt?

I smell a well-deserved lawsuit brewing – hope she knows how to file their equivalent of a Right To Know and make them squeal like stuck pigs:

“It’s absolutely scary to think about,” Courtney said. “Who are on these calls? Who do we have viewing your children and subsequently taking these screenshots that can be sent anywhere or used for any purpose?”

“So, what are the parameters? Where are the lines drawn? If my son is sitting at the kitchen island next to a butcher block, does that constitute a weapon? It’s not allowed at school, right? So, would my home then be searched because he’s sitting next to a butcher block,” Courtney said. “I feel like parents need to be made aware of what the implications are, what the expectations are.”

More and more, there are those in Education that do that “Bureaucratic Creep” that I’ve been writing about for years. This time, it shows that somebody has to start sitting down and saying “this far and no further. This is NOT your lane!”.

And the next time police come for a “wellness” visit like this, be nice, be pleasant, show up to the door with your OWN camera, and say:

Warrant please

Then go down, camera in hand, and go occupy your school district’s Superintendent’s office by declaring it is now your autonomous zone – it seems to be a thing nowadays.

(H/T: RedState)


, you already


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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