biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse


They’re flying so thick and fast it is amazing.

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biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Keep them coming please, as it helps me gather weaponry to fight the Left.  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!

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biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Meme Overflow

As promised in Monday Memes, I have an overflow. My meme cup runneth over.  And yes there will be a Friday edition too.

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biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse


The memes must flow… and they do.

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Survival Sunday

First, I am merely an “enlightened amateur”.  Please vet & check on your own.  Caveat emptor.  Consider these to be priming the pump for your own investigations.  I know this is a long post; I am attempting to put out a lot of information as a resource.  Read or skip sections depending on your interests.

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biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  I do end up using many of them.  Also, please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!

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biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Meme Overflow

As promised in Monday Memes, I have an overflow.  And yes there will be a Friday edition too.

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biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse


Monday Memes are back, baby!

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Epstein and the Battle for a Peaceful Planetary Civilization

The Epstein case is a key battle in a fight between moral, civil society and a small cabal of people who believe themselves to be elite but who are actually totally morally depraved, corrupted, and sick people. So much so that they are actual pedophiles, and they are protecting each other from the sword of Lady Justice.

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Watch: Five Questions with Presidential Candidate Aaron Day

Aaron Day is running for President, but not to win. He is on a mission to increase awareness about a looming issue he believes will come to the fore before November 2024, and it could mean the end of liberty in America as we know it.

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biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Memes on Wednesday

They’re flying so thick and fast it is amazing.  And I do apologize for skipping Monday – the entire weekend was crazy with scheduled things, and there was no time.  (Even with basically “pure memes” doing these does take precious time.)  But I’m back at it!

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biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Meme Overflow

As promised in Monday Memes, I have an overflow. My meme cup runneth over.  And yes there will be a Friday edition too.

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biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse


And so another week begins…

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biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Keep them coming please, as it helps me gather weaponry to fight the Left.  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!

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biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Meme Overflow

As promised in Monday Memes, I have an overflow. My meme cup runneth over.  And yes there will be a Friday edition too.

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UN United Nations Logo

Masters of Deceit have Turned from Red to Green

Yesteryear’s gold fever has a lot in common with today’s environmental fever: each promises a better future. Finding gold, however, gives you the freedom to live the way you want. Moving towards an environmental way of life restricts freedom.

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biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse


They’re flying so thick and fast it is amazing.

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biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Keep them coming please, as it helps me gather weaponry to fight the Left.  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!

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biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Meme Overflow

As promised in Monday Memes, I have an overflow. My meme cup runneth over.  And yes there will be a Friday edition too.

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biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Friday Meme Overflow-Overfloow

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Keep them coming please, as it helps me gather weaponry to fight the Left.  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!

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