
Democrats are not (NOT)  suggesting that Democrat Dick Patten resign–he is accused of stalking and what amounts to sexual harassment.

“A city man has received a temporary stalking order against Rep. Dick Patten, D-Concord, after the man complained Patten allegedly tried to kiss him and was repeatedly calling and texting him, according to the Concord Monitor, which broke the story Tuesday.”

(The Democrats may have managed to spike that story about Dick in major media so it would not outshine the Tremblay remarks that they wanted to push.  No comment on that either.)

Democrats did not suggest that Rep Cynthia Chase resign when she said straight out that Democrats and the state government could use the power of the state to”…make the environment here so unwelcoming that some will choose not to come, and some may actually leave.”  The Castro brothers would have loved that.   And that was awfully embarrassing to New Hampshire.  Chase is still in office isn’t she?  Oh yea…here she is, a few weeks ago, doing the “peoples” work.

But they are trying to get Rep. Stella Tremblay to resign for simply remarking on Glenn Becks web site that the government is somehow involved in the goings-on with the Boston Marathon Bombing.

So Dick may be guilty of a crime.   Cynthia Chase is guilty of fomenting legislative tyranny.  Stella is guilty of exercising free speech and not trusting the government.   It’s a typical day in the hypocrats tyrannical, left-wing, homosexual bullying neighborhood.

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Who Can You Trust?

Stella Tremblay, a New Hampshire House Republican (Auburn), is on the media chopping block for being a little bit Alex Jones, and bit too much Glenn Beck.  Seems she posted some remarks on Beck’s site that comport with conspiracy theories regarding the Boston Marathon Bombings, and the Federal Government’s Complicity.

Posted to Beck’s site–as reported by HuffPo…

 Just as you said would happen. Top Down, Bottom UP. The Boston Marathon was a Black Ops “terrorist” attack. One suspect killed, the other one will be too before they even have a chance to speak. Drones and now “terrorist” attacks by our own Government. Sad day, but a “wake up” to all of us. First there was a “suspect” then there wasnt. Infowars broke the story and they knew they had been “found out”.

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Where is Obama’s Help for Sandy Victims?

President Obama flew to New Jersey for a photo op and to make lots of promises before flying on to campaign events.  Apparently he has forgotten about Sandy and the hurting Americans. A week later, hundreds of thousands of people in New Jersey, New York, and Connecticut are without power, without running water, without food, … Read more

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