Data Point: So the next time Democrats (especially NH ones) say we need policies like Europe

Decisions have consequences. So do policies.  And while Democrats all over keep insisting that “we’re the only industrialized nation that doesn’t <insert their latest policy complaint here>”, they aren’t all that willing to talk about the consequences of their policies.

Like Venezuela (but the right people haven’t done Socialism right – WE CAN DO IT! Just ask Molly Kelly, the financial advisor genius). And, pretty much, most of Europe.  So, why do the Dems want us to be more like them when our standard of living (mostly) is far better than theirs?

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Data Point – 2nd Quarter GDP revised upwards

Economists expect growth to slow to a still solid 3 percent annual rate the rest of the year, resulting in full-year growth of 3 percent for 2018. It would be the best performance since 2005, two years before the Great Recession began. The 4.2 percent annual growth that the government estimated for last quarter is the … Read more

Taxes vs Personal Spending: shouldn’t this be flipped?

Is it moral to be paying more to Government than spending on your family? Reformatted, emphasis mine:

America spends more on taxes than on food, clothing, and housing combined. A LOT more.

  • Housing: $2.3 trillion
  • Clothing: $0.4 trillion
  • Food: $1.7 trillion
  • TOTAL: $4.4 trillion
  • Federal Taxes: $3.4 trillion
  • State and Local Taxes: $1.8 trillion
  • TOTAL: $5.2 trillion

Do you think, as a country, we’re getting our money’s worth from all that taxation?

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Trump Keeps ‘Winning’

It looks like the economy has managed to push aside the smothering pillow of Obamanomics.

The Commerce Department reported Friday that the economy grew at a pace of 4.1 percent in the second quarter, propelled by consumer spending in another win for Mr. Trump’s policies of lower taxes and fewer regulations.

The growth was the fastest since 2014, following first-quarter growth of 2.2 percent that was revised up from 2 percent.

The suffocating “cultural” blanket of Obamanomics is wearing thin as well.

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Backward is the New Forward

Not all that long ago I pointed out that “Forward” is the new backward.  As we progressed into 2013, everyone inherited a tax increase courtesy of the forward progress of the Obama Administration as it kept its promise not to rasie taxes on the “middle class.  Well it has only been two weeks since then … Read more

Spending as A Percetage of GDP 1950 – 2010

A new study from the St. Louis Fed has provided us with this nifty graph. The Graph below shows spending by major categories as a percentage of GDP.  Some may find this surprising.

There are more charts at the link, also here at Hot Air.  Take particular note of the graphs on revenue and spending relative to GDP and Government Spending by category.  (Follow the link for those.)

You will also find  that since the new progressive era began (Bush I, Clinton, Bush II, Obama) that mandatory government spending (as opposed to discretionary) appears to be our biggest driver of debt.  (Big Gubmint doin’ too much.)

spending as a percentage of gdp 1950-2010

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Data Point – 2012 Q3 GDP

The Bureau of Economic Analysis reported today that Q3 GDP ticked upward to 2.0 percent, after clocking in at 1.3 percent in Q2. But that headline number gives only limited amount of information. Here’s a more detailed breakdown from today’s BEA report. It could have been worse: Personal consumption improved to 2.0 percent in the … Read more

Yes, More US Energy Use Equals More Output

This is not a theorem, or a rule, it is more of a guideline.  That US Energy consumption produces  equals output.  I made this case back in 2008 when wackadoodles like Jeanne Shaheen, Paul Hodes and Carol Shea-Porter (among others milking the teats of the earth-mother for green votes) complained about how America used 25% of the worlds energy–or something close to it, and we were evil for using all that energy.  The narrative was that we were domestic abuses of a child named "resources."

My point, proven time and again, and again, and again, is that we took roughly 25% of the worlds energy and turned it into 25% or more of the worlds wealth and prosperity.  The US GDP as a percentage of global GDP was almost identical to our percentage of energy consumption. 

But we did it cleaner, faster, better, with more freedom and choices than anywhere else on the planet. And the end result was the richest nation with the fewest poor, the best health care, and almost a better everything else.  Even our poor are better.

Liberals and progressives in the democrat party however hate that, just like they hate this; more proof that we do more good things with energy by 6AM than the rest of the world does all day.

It is a chart (on the jump), that shows GDP output compared to energy consumption.  Follow the link, and you can play with the interactive version that shows you who, where, what and so on.  Press play to watch use and growth. Try the tabs and check boxes, and have a grand old time–for about 90 seconds.  Then share it with your annoying liberal friends, and make them buy you another drink for being wrong yet again about something else they will continue to insist is true despite evidence to the contrary.  (There is no settled science but global warming after all.)


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