Straight and LGB - men and men and women are women FI

So the LGB Are Starting to Divorce the T bit??

by Skip

Sidenote: You have to note the use of “straight” instead of that made up word “cisheteronormative”.  I am so over the Wokesters constantly trying to force us to use their Orwellian language and make us believe its the “norm” when it comes to “sexual identity” that is to be the most important attribute of being … Read more

Christian? It’s a private thing. Gay? Tell the whole world! What’s that say about our culture?

by Skip

Tebow vs CollinsIs the culture, led by the MSM and other cultural “elites”, anti-Christian?  Seems to be, when one reviews how denigrated Tebow has become these last couple of years – simply for being a man of faith, giving credit to a higher power than himself, professing a traditional sense of faith, and sticking to set of morals that, at best, is considered “prudish”.  With all that, we have seen how intolerant the tolerant Left truly has become to traditional mores.  Expressing them publicly gets you knocked down – by those, perhaps, that realize that they do not measure up (either can’t or decide to go “the low road”)?  No, I don’t mean to be “holier than thou” – I do wish to point out that those holding to values other than what is in the current popular culture are always in for a hard time.  Winning two national championships and the Heisman should a concentration on what he has accomplished in his field. Instead, he has been skewered for his faith.

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