American Politics Seems to Have No Redeeming Factors.


The modern self-appointed progressive faction of the country’s political class has totally embraced Nazist ideologies. This so-called Democrat party is not democratic. Although the Democrat party members talk about democracy, typically in a way that seeks to provoke support through instilling fear, they do not practice what they preach.

Actually, it seems the Democrat party has lost all understanding of how democracy actually works. This party now censors political debate. Its supporters and members openly call for further censorship and celebrate the silencing of dissenting voices. Dissent, itself, is a valued commodity in democracy. Talking about censoring it is pure foolishness.

On one hand, the Democrat party seems willing to play the traditional role of the political left— that of the clown, the jester, the fool. This role incentivizes discussion and forces political narratives. However, the U.S. Democrats have taken this position to such an extreme that they are forcing American citizens to follow them.

This is, quite essentially, a facet of fascism.

The corruption of American politics has so revealed itself in the actions of key Democrat figureheads Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton.

Pelosi, once championed as a powerful example of a successful woman in politics, has now become likely the most corrupt American politician in modern history. With a publicly acknowledged track record of insider trading, a consistent knack for gaslighting political opponents on precisely her own party’s wrongdoings, and a distinct realization of Nazi-style tactics in J6 reactionary crusading, Pelosi is a serious threat to the stability of the USA.

Clinton, similarly, refuses to retire from the public eye. With her own track record of orchestrating the assassination of her critics, she has played the release of one of her key lawyers, seemingly getting off the hook for manipulating public opinion against former President Donald Trump on fake evidence and straight-up lies related to Russian collusion narratives. This woman continues to show the gall to appear in public, despite all indicators of public opinion pointing to the reality that she is widely despised.

American citizens need to grow teeth. They are overwhelmingly and on the whole too sheepish in the face of an overreaching government that consistently destroys their civil liberties in the public domain.

The USA is losing its soft power edge globally as it allows Democrat leaders to corrode American ideals. Overseas, Americans will be less and less welcome. Indeed, they have lost their welcome in many parts of the world. Any discussion of American ideals has become a joke. Americans overseas in most parts of the world are afraid to go in public and typically would rather hide their nationality.

Most Americans have now become so poor that it doesn’t even matter. On the current course that the USA’s leadership has chosen, common US citizens will not be able to afford more than a week’s vacation every couple of years outside of the country. Most (probably) won’t leave the continent. This is a tragedy of disastrous proportions.

For a country that was lauded less than two decades ago as a paragon of freedom, independence, democracy, and multiculturalism, the USA has now slipped dangerously into jaded tyrannical hypocrisy.

The real solution is for a revolution within the Democrat Party— that group must be thoroughly cleansed and reborn.

The USA has recently been a puppet on the strings of globalist masters. There is always a potential for the country to reclaim its sovereignty.




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