UPDATE and BUMPED from Sept 6, 2019: The two parents that decided that their first-grader was no longer he but she and proceeded to turn the school system into a hot mess so they could be pleasantly pleased heaping their personal wokeness on everyone else have vamoosed out of town. Good riddance.
The Truth Shall Set You Free
Today we see the results of years and years of secularist attacks on religion. There has been a denial of eternal truths and the exclusion of religion and morality from public life. But here’s the rub. You can’t have the freedom to peaceably assemble for a redress of grievances. Not unless you have morality.
Blogline of The Day – so “included” is now “segregated”?
Students demand segregated ‘Black House’ so they can ‘feel included.’ …The identity of all but two students who helped compose the letter was intentionally withheld “to protect the anonymity of Black students who may not feel comfortable with their name attached to a stated demand.” The letter states the list of demands “has been in … Read more
Gilford School Board: “They seem intent on making this happen irrespective of people’s concerns,” – Part 2
Again, a few more thoughts on the two Daily Sun articles by Roberta Baker on the Gender Dysphoria / Transgender issues now roiling a couple of Lakes Region school districts: Locker rooms, restrooms a sticking point on trans policy Trans policies highlight rift over gender This from a Gilford resident: “There hasn’t been much dialogue,” … Read more
Google Rationalizes Exclusion and Targeting
It is past time to call out Google for its policy of exclusion and political targeting. The company systematically excludes conservative voices from its platforms.