Monkey surprise Photo by Jamie Haughton on Unsplash

Arguing for A Spectrum With Only “Two Sets of Plumbing”

Nature endows all of us with (basically) one of two sets of “plumbing.” There are rare or odd exceptions involving mutations that produce both or none, but these are uncommon and not nature’s design. Anyone enamored of Darwin’s thoughts on evolution knows this. The survival of any species depends on its ability to procreate.

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Human skulls

Indigenous Theory and The Age of Progressive Educational ‘Colonialism’

Feel free to berate me for the odd and (perhaps) unnecessarily long title, but I promise the two thoughts are connected if you grant me a few moments to make the case.

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Evolution of Biden

The Evolution of Today’s Socialist, Anti-American Democrat

Throughout our history, Democrats and Republicans have offered contrasting solutions to the many problems facing our nation.  But until recently, they have always agreed on certain fundamental principles.

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Lesbian Turned Trans-Guy Wonders Why Women Won’t Date ‘Her’ – I Have Some Advice

First, you sexualize the culture. Make it all about intersecting genitals. Then you insist the genitals don’t matter? And when people don’t want to go along for that ride, you call them bigots. Well, now.

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Charles Darwin - Prager U Screen Grab

A New Skepticism Over The Theory of Evolution

It’s not exactly new. It is a math problem and a biology problem, a science problem, and a history problem. The records we have of life on earth aligned with what we’ve learned about DNA is making Darwin’s theory of Evolution the object of much scrutiny.

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Evolution Gets a Poke In the Eye

evolutionThe theory of Evolution suggests things about the adaptation of species over the course of history that lead us to what we see today. But an extensive research project just poked evolution in the eye.

Newly released research that analyzed millions of DNA barcodes has come to a surprising conclusion that effectively turns the theory of evolution on its head. The massive study, which spanned a decade of work from hundreds of scientists, found that 9 out of 10 animal species on the planet came into being around the same time as humans, 100,000 to 200,000 years ago.

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The Evolution of Evolution…

If evolution is natural, and evolution is how everything got here from there, why isn’t abortion opposed by secular humanist liberals for interfering with the natural evolutionary process? – Guy at a kitchen table waiting for his coffee to brew.




I had the great pleasure of meeting John O’Sullivan at St. Anselm’s earlier this year when he gave a talk about women in politics.  His years serving as Margaret Thatcher’s senior aide give him some authority with which to speak on the matter of women and politics but I had no idea that he was also the father of “O’Sullivan[i]’s First Law” (a fact I probably would not have learned but for perusing National Review Online early this morning).O’ Sullivan’s First Law postulates that “All organizations that are not actually right-wing will over time become left-wing” and Mr. O’Sullivan defends this hypothesis saying:

I cite as supporting evidence the ACLU, the Ford Foundation, and the Episcopal Church. The reason is, of course, that people who staff such bodies tend to be the sort who don’t like private profit, business, making money, the current organization of society, and, by extension, the Western world.”

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