nuclear-power-71442_960_720 Geralt Pixabay

Let’s Go Nuclear

We hear those on the Left admonishing us frequently to “follow the science”. We hear it regarding global warming (very much debated), homeopathy medicine (the debunked theory that ultra-small doses of poisonous substances are actually healthy), men can get pregnant and give birth, there are multiple genders and other such nonsense then push us to … Read more


Science or Scam

Panic! The sky is falling and all our coastal cities will be under water in ten years! Wait, that was predicted twenty some years ago wasn’t it? Now, though, yet another environmental group decided to block morning traffic coming to work in NYC because the “city will be under water by 2200.”  So is the … Read more

Wait, wait….the Left is complaining about….what?

by Skip

SHOT:  California Has the Nation’s Highest Gas Prices – Democrat Governor Has No Idea Why? CHASER: Isn’t This What The Left Have Wanted? Hi, Dr. Chu and Senator/Secretary Salazar! Let’s start with his Secretary of Energy, Dr Steven Chu. From our friends at the National Taxpayers Union: Somehow we have to figure out how to boost … Read more

Quick Thought: Treehugger is at it again

by Skip

Watermelon EnvironmentalismLloyd Alter, head honcho over at said site, is a New Urbanism – hates suburbia, seemingly hates rural areas, loves the city and wants us all to live there “sustainably” and in a “walkable serenity”.  No cars, only public transit; enforce “neighborliness” in which a “community” will flourish (if you’re an introvert, yer outta luck) and lots of conversations bloom!  Small fridges and small kitchens (and small apartments in high density area – think “rack’em and stack’em”) mean you WILL spend your time shopping pretty much every day – you WILL love your fresh food from the neighborhood grocery (think small – and expensive).  Yep, lots of the Progressive tell of “you don’t need that” with this one.

His latest rant is the width of sidewalks in his hometown of Toronto, Canada – they are small and the butt of his rant is are telephone / electrical poles built into the sidewalks – they disturb his sense of “wa” and promotes an inability to walk two by two.  Go read it if you want but what caught my eye was this description of Toronto’s government structure that’s supposed to keep this from happening:

“inter-divisional and inter-agency Walking Strategy Team chaired by the Director of the Public Realm Section [must] ensure city-wide coordination of Strategy projects.”


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