Energy Archives - Page 2 of 24 - Granite Grok


Oil rig oil and gas fossil fuel

Not Even a Pencil Could Exist without Fossil Fuels

In 1964, Leonard Read wrote a genealogy from the perspective of a pencil, demonstrating the vast, complicated web of the structure of production that is handled by the division of labor on free markets. The pencil explained that no one knows how to make a pencil because of the myriad production processes involved: My family tree begins …

Not Even a Pencil Could Exist without Fossil Fuels Read More »

China, Chinese Flag

China Dumps the Pretense” – Abandons the Paris Climate Agreements; Will Eco-Socialists Call China “Selfish”?

After all, after years of commenting over at Treehugger, that was the normal response. Anyone not going along with the 1.5-degree lifestyle to save GAIA was a self-centered climate denier who is so selfish as to doom everyone to a fiery Hell on Earth. Thus, showing us that they hated themselves almost as badly as …

China Dumps the Pretense” – Abandons the Paris Climate Agreements; Will Eco-Socialists Call China “Selfish”? Read More »

Candlelight candle flame Photo by Jarl Schmidt on Unsplash

What the ‘Greenies’ Refuse to Grasp is a Gas! Gas! Gas!

For years we’ve been told that Renewables are THE answer to all the Greenie prayers (who or what they’re praying to or for remains a mystery). All we have to do is spend TRILLIONS of dollars to buy all this stuff from the Chinese, and then we’ll be all set…oh wait.

Light bulb filament original Photo by Alessandro Bianchi on Unsplash

Let’s Electrify Common Sense

What passes for Donkey political leadership in the United States says we must stop drilling for fossil fuels completely, or Americans will continue to suffer from severe weather events.  That’s the gospel, according to New York congressman Jamaal Bowman.

nuclear-power-71442_960_720 Geralt Pixabay

How Finland Ended Up with Too Much Electricity

As the Western World drives mindlessly into the fantasy of a false green energy future, shortages are a common topic of discussion—blackouts in the frigid winter, brownouts in the heat of summer. You’d be right to ask.

A Fake Energy Crisis?

It’s been claimed that: “No power source is more dangerous to life and the environment than burning fossil fuels”.  Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.  Such evidence hasn’t been provided. Would returning to burning wood, peat, dung, whale oil, and animal fat be safer?  No. Honest evaluations consider minuses AND benefits.  If we only considered minuses, …

A Fake Energy Crisis? Read More »

House Session

So Kids, What Did We Learn From Tuesday’s House Session (02/14/23)?

We learned that attendance is everything this term. You can’t win if you don’t have the numbers. All eyes are on the whip!  We learned that the Speaker of the House voted more today than he did in total in the past 2 years! There’s probably a Speaker vote record being made!