The New Hampshire House has taken significant steps toward protecting the “fragile” Gulf of Maine from big wind and its ratepayers from higher electricity costs – acknowledging that the latter is arguably too little too late. Our electric rates suck, have sucked for decades, and keep getting suckier, so this week’s action is more a “slow the spread,’ than a “cure that disease.”
Our own Judy Aron reported Friday morning that the lower chamber passed HB682.
This bill does 3 things. It removes the office of offshore wind industry development from the office of energy innovation. It repeals the offshore wind industry workforce training center committee and the offshore and port development commission.
It also, moves the grid modernization advisory council and the hydrogen advisory council to the office of energy innovation. These are timely policy decisions, especially since President Trump signed an executive order eliminating offshore wind and turbine projects.
I feel confident when I boast that the Grok has had more stories on the financial and environmental scourge of Big Wind and, more recently, its efforts to ruin the Gulf of Maine. I’ve also been bullish on the Trump Administration’s moves on energy, which include stopping and evaluating offshore wind projects that are untenable without prop-ups and taxpayer-backed support.
HB682 is a step in the proper direction, but it has to pass the State Senate- which frequently sucks just as hard as our electric rates – and Governor Ayotte has to sign it. We also need to scrap the renewable energy fund and portfolio requirements as well. And perhaps, assuming this makes it into law, that would be the next step. While we have the votes, Jane, stop this crazy (environmental) thing.
Nothing about the green agenda is even green.
That includes getting out of RGGI completely. The current scheme of returning carbon credits taken on one end back to ratepayers is byzantine and a bandaid that needs to get ripped off. Put a stake in the heart of RGGI. You’ve got the votes to get it done, but no bills in the hopper this session.
Stopping greenwashing and the culture that enables sit is a good start but New Hampshire needs energy solutions that lower costs for Granite Staters because we are at the mercy of the New England grid and every green-dope, whacko (like on of my own reps, Wendy Thomas) obsessed with making electricity a luxury few will be able to afford.