Online Learning May Help the US Close Education Gap

Much Ado About EFAs and School Choice

Yesterday, there was a hearing in Concord to expand the EFA (School Choice) program. The EFA program allows families to use state tax money, and take that to an alternative school if needed. It opens up options for families who want an alternative education for their children. Here is a link to the proposed legislation. … Read more


RebuildNH Celebrates Meaningful Reform in 2021 Session

EAST DERRY, N.H.—RebuildNH is celebrating a meaningful victory today as the Legislature passed a strong budget containing meaningful emergency powers reforms as well as a promise from the governor to deliver the rest of our critical constitutional requests using bills retained in House committees.

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Love to learn sign

Who’s Afraid of Education Freedom?

Change is coming to our outdated education system. So far this year, more than a dozen states have enacted policies that empower families to choose their child’s learning environment using the public funds set aside for their child. The “Live Free or Die” state could be next—so long as special interests don’t get their way.

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Granite Crock: ‘Don’t confuse us with the facts!’

Long ago, a Congressman from my home state gained notoriety when he said, while defending Richard Nixon, ‘Don’t confuse me with the facts.’  I was reminded of this upon reading an article that Steve forwarded to me from the Granite Crock site, which was written to ‘debunk’ something I’d written.

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moeny from hat

The Magic of Per-Student Cost

Are your state representatives smarter than fifth-graders? Here’s a word problem that even a fifth-grader should be able to solve: A boat ferries passengers across a lake.  Ten people want to ride it together.  The captain says:  It costs me $100 to run the boat, so you’ll have to pay an average of $10 each. … Read more

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