Dr. Stephanie Wolf-Rosenblum Archives - Granite Grok

Dr. Stephanie Wolf-Rosenblum

Small Business Lockdown

Nashua Board of Health to Recommend Curfew Today

At the December 9 Nashua Board of Health meeting to discuss imposing a 9:30 pm curfew in Nashua, Board member Dr. Stephanie Wolf-Rosenblum said, “Curfews aren’t proven to reduce the burden of COVID in the community.”

Monument to General John Stark and his men

Open Letter: To the Mayor of Nashua, and to NH’s Police

Dear Mayor Donchess: A functional definition of Fascism is to use the government’s coercive power to force businesses to bend to government diktats. Thus, de facto control of those businesses passes to the government even if, on paper, the legal owners retain title.